Independent Parliamentary candidate picks on Satanism

Satanism, a legitimate and recognised religion, is the focus of hate coming from an independent candidate standing for Brighton and Kemptown for the 2024 General Election. The politician is called Matthew Taylor, a controversial figure in Brighton who feels using Satanism as a political football will win him votes.

Taylor, who I call a Satan Hunter, as he accuses innocent people of harming children for Satan, has decided that it is time to pass a law against what he calls “radical satanism” and wants to ban this from the internet if he is elected as MP.

I assume Taylor means a form of extremism such as Order of Nine Angles (O9A), who as an extreme network floats around in Satanism promoting terrorism and murder. Taylor of course fails to appreciate that extremism can exist outside of internet, and it can happen in any religion or political setting. It might be added that Taylor was associating himself with those in the O9A a few years ago, and he seemed to be quite positive about them.

Matthew Taylor is a hypocrite, being that he is a supporter of an extremist in the form of Jeanette Archer and her cultish group. Archer believes that the UK Royal Family are shapeshifting lizards that drink the blood of babies and eat children. Archer has been arrested a couple of times, including for suspicion of a conspiracy to murder Jews. Archer particularly hates Jews and Freemasons, and has called for their murder. Archer has also called for the burning down of schools and hospitals, and the murder of teachers and nurses, claiming that they are part of a Satanic conspiracy to murder and rape children. Jeanette Archer and her group are as extreme as it gets, and yet Taylor supports and defends this extremist.

Taylor is not the first and will not be the last politician to pick on Satanism with proposals to create laws against that religion. I have often argued that the things that Satanism is accused of is something that happens in all religions. I also encourage politicians like Taylor to think of the bigger picture and bring forth legislation that addresses everyone who offers a religious or spiritual service or product: that they be registered with a central regulatory body; that they be insured; that they undergo police checks; that they abide by a code of conduct. I also propose that there should be severe penalties against anyone who offers a religious or spiritual product or service who is not registered.

Though I suspect that Matthew Taylor has a better understanding about what Satanism is compared to most politicians, nearly all those who propose laws against Satanism do not know what Satanism is, or who are Satanists. Of the religion of Satanism there is no great problem to justify specific laws against that religion, especially when the accusations such as abuse of children and vulnerable people is a much greater problem in the larger religions such as in Christianity.

Shellie Mote weaponizes her child

Former Satan Hunter from Bury St Edmunds Shellie Mote follows a well- trodden path of the Satan Hunter using her child as a weapon or tool to her own ends either against people or to obtain money from the unwary. I say “former” because I would like to think Shellie Mote is no longer a Satan Hunter, even though there is a growing opinion and evidence to suggest that Mote is being dishonest and is actually still a Satan Hunter (a promoter of Satanic Panic narratives).

Shellie Mote uses her child as a weapon and a tool for grifting

Shellie Mote has put out the word asking for my address so she can report me to the police, because she claims her child is in danger if I refer to them in social media posts. If Mote thinks her child is in danger, then she has a duty to report her concerns to the police. I think however that Mote just wants my address so she can embark on an epic campaign of harassment and stalking, like she does with all her victims. Shellie Mote hides behind her child in order to emotionally batter people such as me that my challenges on her wrongdoing or my concerns about her activity suddenly becomes in her opinion harm done to her child. I also remember the emotional blackmail and scamming going on when Mote asked me and other people for money so she and her child could pay to flee off on holiday for Christmas because she claimed Satan Hunter Angela Power Disney was coming to harm her and her kid.

I have never met Shellie Mote or her child, nor have I spoken with her in any manner outside of social media. Shellie Mote is not her real name, and I have never published the real name. I do not know either the name of the child, or published any name or face of that child. When I refer to the Mote child, it is in the context of safeguarding and wellbeing concerns, which by all means Mote can share with the police in the hope they will make sure her child is safe.

Shellie Mote: false allegation maker; grifter; stalker.

I have made known that I will vigorously monitor and challenge the activist and pseudonym known as Shellie Mote, who in my opinion is scamming vulnerable and trusting people out of money whilst embarking on harming those people under the guise of child protection activist, anti-neo-nazi activist and other fake covers. It is my opinion that Shellie Mote does more harm than good, and that there is growing evidence on file that her activity is motivated out of predatory spite, revenge and need to make money off the vulnerable. I know of two victims that Mote has taken money off, others have identified six victims. I am of the opinion that Mote has groomed and conspired with certain vulnerable people to falsify claims in order to get the police to arrest certain targets. I know of at least two cases where Mote has accused individuals of being paedophiles as a result of poor research, and despite this being pointed out to her, she persists in making those false allegations. Mote has embarked on an extensive campaign of false allegation making, malicious reporting and social media posting against innocent people including journalist Rosie Waterhouse, Helen Janes, Reece Leverick, barrister Barbara Hewson (deceased), myself and many others. Mote fakes claims of closely working with people such as Karen Irving or of having qualifications in order to elicit trust from targets she seeks to use and abuse.

Some legal points for Shellie Mote to consider

Just to point out a couple of legal points to Shellie Mote. Mote operates under a fake name, a pseudonym, one that I challenge; the police are not interested in acting on social media posts against pseudonyms unless a direct threat is made. No legal cases that Shellie Mote is involved in is threatened by my mentioning Mote, because any cases she reported to the police are under her real name, which I never identify. Shellie Mote acts in my opinion in a criminal way such as harassing, stalking, malicious communication and perverting the course of justice, and my activity in monitoring and challenging Shellie Mote falls under investigation and preventing crime. Mote promotes herself as a public figure challenging neo-nazis and paedophiles, making false allegations against certain people, and thus I operate under public interest, fair comment and justification to make comment and challenge on what Mote claims. Mote has also entered into a public conversation on a range of matters, which includes serious allegation making, which allows me to engage under right of reply and public comment. I am perfectly entitled in law to draw attention to the character, content and past activity of Shellie Mote whilst she engages in serious allegation making as an activist and social media content producer.

Shellie Mote and Satan Hunter Jeanette Archer

I will refer to three matters where Shellie Mote is acting in ways that impacts the wellbeing of her child. Firstly, Mote was once a leading member of a Cult under the leadership of Satan Hunter Jeanette Archer of Cranleigh. Archer has been convicted of abusing a vulnerable child by naming that protected child contrary to a court order. The 20,000 strong Cult has targeted teachers, police, Jews, Freemasons, politicians, schools, hospitals with terroristic claims and activity such as calling for the murder of targets and burning down of hospitals. Archer and her Cult supporters encourage the violent kidnap of children, a matter that Shellie Mote clearly supported when she also engaged in the “IStandWithWilfredWong” campaign when Wilfred Wong was arrested for child kidnap. Shellie Mote not only supported Archer and her Cult, but also engaged in a terrifying campaign of intimidation against any critics of Archer, including using her status as a witch to invoke curses on vulnerable people. Mote by association of a Cult of violent, unstable and potentially dangerous individuals put her child in direct danger.

Shellie Mote and the Order of Nine Angles (ONA / O9A)

Secondly, multiple times I have mentioned that Shellie Mote should not be challenging the Order of Nine Angles, or even any neo-nazis. These are dangerous people who do harm to people, including children. If Shellie Mote raises fearful concerns about a low-end threat of Angela Power Disney to her child, then the Order of Nine Angles is the last network she wants to mess with. Shellie Mote ignores my concerns and continues to target neo-nazis and “satanist neo-nazis”.

Shellie Mote and Satan Hunter Matthew Taylor of Brighton

Thirdly, I have raised concerns about the continued association that Shellie Mote has with Satan Hunter Matthew Taylor of Brighton. Matthew Taylor is no longer allowed to have his children stay with him due to safeguarding concerns. Taylor is on video as going about Brighton with another man approaching young boys and making sexual remarks about them. Taylor has published a letter on social media where it shows he had a category B indecent image of a child on a device taken by the police for examination, for which he was arrested for. Taylor has also been arrested for alleged approach to boys in a woodland, of showing them videos of babies being beheaded, and of engaging in a sexual manner with those males. Yet, Shellie Mote, who always talks about threats from her critics to her child, is supporting and engaging with Matthew Taylor and his group of associates such as Kathleen Boyle and Mandy Marlins.

Shellie Mote and “neo-nazi satanism”

The Order of Nine Angles (O9A / ONA) have a new threat to their existence, a champion for the people who is going to run these “neo-nazi satanists” out of town. The name of this “Hero” is Shellie Mote (not her real name) from Suffolk, UK. One problem with this narrative that Shellie Mote is trying to spin, in order to reinvent herself as something out of DC Comics, is that she is a toddler playing with the equivalent of matches; an ignorant one at that.

Shellie Mote as a former Satan Hunter in the Jeanette Archer “Satnic” Cult

Shellie Mote identifies as a pagan, a type who is of the new age woo-woo type who gives paganism a bad name. Shellie Mote knows nothing about Satanism, and thus in her new direction appears to wage war on all Satanists because there is a problem in her mind that Satanists are all neo-nazis, in the same way that some think Satanists eat babies for lunch. Shellie Mote is a former Satan Hunter from the Cult that leading UK Satan Hunter Jeanette Archer runs. Mote was a fanatical high ranked general under Jeanette Archer, who firmly believed that Satanists ate babies and transformed into shapeshifting lizards. Anyone who criticised Jeanette Archer found a foul mouthed Shellie Mote on their back, with Mote making videos using her position as a witch to invoke curses upon the enemies of Archer. Mote eventually departed from the Archer Cult after losing a power struggle with Archer, before joining as an “anti-Satan Hunter” against Archer. Mote then fell out with most of the anti-Satan Hunters and reinvented herself as a champion against “neo-nazi Satanists”. Shellie Mote currently identifies with a small group loosely associated with Satan Hunter Matthew Taylor of Brighton.

Neo-Nazism is not a major issue in Satanism

“Neo-Nazism” is not a major issue in Satanism, in the same way as eating babies for lunch is a non-issue. Shellie Mote has failed to do her homework on Satanism by speaking to those who make up the bulk of the religion of Satanism, such as The Satanic Temple or the Church of Satan. Shellie Mote, typically reflecting the attitude of Satan Hunters, spins the narrative that Satanists are “neo-nazis” and therefore harm children in the same vein as Jeanette Archer claims Freemasons and shapeshifting lizards are Satanists and harm children. Satan Hunters – former Satan Hunters – such as Shellie Mote – have this lazy stupidity in being unable to educate themselves about the subjects they campaign against. Sure, there are right-wing Satanism just as there are left-wing Satanists, but the neo-nazi types gravitate towards the Order of Nine Angles, who if Shellie Mote did her homework would tell her they are not Satanists. Few neo-nazis are Satanists, and few neo-nazis are associated with Order of Nine Angles. O9A is no more an issue in Satanism than eating babies is, it is fear-mongering created by ignorant fools such as Shellie Mote.

Shellie Mote knows nothing about Satanism or O9A

Shellie Mote, looking for the next grift to nail her face to, heard about the O9A because I mentioned I had campaigned against them, and heard also some mentions from Satan Hunters such as Matt Taylor (Brighton) and Nathaniel Harris (Bristol), who only mentioned O9A because of me. Shellie Mote has never spoken to anyone of the O9A, let alone met one. Mote saw some articles about the O9A in the media, and then became an instant expert about O9A and “neo-nazi satanism” in the same way her former leader Jeanette Archer is “world-expert” on shapeshifting lizards and baby eating. Both Archer and Mote are grifters looking to use ignorance, fantasy and fear-mongering as a way to create Cults, money and status.

My regret associating with Shellie Mote

It is my regret that I once gave Shellie Mote my support, after she fell out with the Jeanette Archer “Cult”, thinking she was an innocent and deluded victim that had been groomed by the “Cult”. I was very wrong, for Mote is a manipulative and deceitful individual, who was kicked out rather than “left” the Archer Cult, who was interested only to destroy her former leader, and then to replace Archer with her own “Cult”. The destruction that Shellie Mote showered upon the anti-Satan Hunter movement, with many who like me gave her a place amongst us, is nothing short of a disaster.

Shellie Mote and her new campaign against “neo-nazi satanism”

There is some bizarre thinking going on in the head of Shellie Mote at the moment. Mote is currently pursuing a Jewish lady with the same malicious devotion of destroying her as she gave to former Cult leader Jeanette Archer; and is suggesting that this Helen Janes is a “neo-nazi satanist”. Since Mote is trying to spin that she is a champion against neo-nazi Satanists, every one of those individuals Mote has conflicted with are slowly being re-spun as associated with neo-nazi Satanism; it is a kind of magic thinking that Satan Hunters are good at.

What is the Order of Nine Angles? – a 101 intro for Shellie Mote

As a brief introduction to the O9A for the benefit of lazy ignorant people like Shellie Mote, the O9A is an open-source “parasitic” movement without leader, membership or central control, that seeks to embed their ideas into political and religious groups and movements. The O9A form into networks made up of one-man or multi-person connections called nexions. There is as likely a nexion in a fascist movement as there is one in an antifa movement. There are nexions embedded in the Mormons, in Satanism, in the Catholics, amongst the Muslims. All nexions are identified by their common shared ideas, their “essence”, which they manifest through the religions or movements they are embedded in, they call their “forms”. There is a reason why they cannot be outlawed because it is difficult to prove anyone is O9A, and they are embedded in all the religions and social movements. There are even peaceful O9A nexions following the Numinous Way. All the O9A nexions, as most movements desire, wish to recreate their ideal utopian world through overturning the current order through whatever means they can, violent or peaceful.

An influential minority send the O9A down a violent and child abusive road

There is a highly influential minority in the O9A who have managed to gain huge publicity in the media for their violence and criminal activity, which includes terrorism and the sexual abuse of children. These individuals have slowly gained significant influence in the O9A, driving out former key influencers such as Chloe Ortega, who retired from the movement.

Shellie Mote: an idiot or on a new money making scam in challenging the O9A?

Some of the O9A are dangerous people, which Shellie Mote should probably not mess with. During the end of 2021 Shellie Mote contacted me claiming she and her son were in fear of their lives from people associated with Satan Hunter Angela Power Disney (Oldcastle, Eire) and they had to flee to a safe haven over Christmas; Mote asked me for money to pay to travel and stay away from her home. I refused to pay money, but I offered to speak to contacts in Suffolk to provide Mote with security; Mote declined this offer. Helen Janes, another former friend of Mote, offered to let Mote and her son stay with her, which Mote also declined. Mote however must have approached many people with these fears and gained money as a result. Apparently Mote did not flee her home. Shellie Mote knows that the O9A are dangerous, and in the light of what happened with a low level threat from Angela Power Disney, it seems suicidal to put herself and her son in danger by going up against the O9A. I sense Shellie Mote is either incredibly naïve and stupid, or she is playing with fire in order to fuel new life in her flagging efforts of playing hero, and gain new followers to milk of their money as a result.

Nathaniel Harris seeks the murder of an innocent man

Nathaniel Harris, a Satan Hunter based in Bristol, has for over five years been harassing innocent victims by saying I am them. I as a policy will not name those people that Harris keeps linking to me, because that just increases the harassment of those innocent people.

I will say again that the only people who know my identity are the police, I have not revealed my identity to anyone else. Nathaniel Harris does not know who I am, but he maliciously links me to various people, so that whenever my name is mentioned other Satan Hunters then go on to mention the innocent victims on their social media as being me, which means I am now linked to different names thanks to Nathaniel Harris.

I have made many enemies, be it because of my work against the Order of Nine Angles, or against Satan Hunters or against Russia in the Ukraine war. Because of Nathaniel Harris one of his victims he told the Order of Nine Angles was me had some contact from the ONA. Now, after a Satan Hunter called Rupert Wilson Quaintance IV made threats, that might be considered death threats, Nathaniel Harris went and contacted Quaintance to falsely say I was an innocent man that Harris has been relentlessly harassing and stalking in the hope Quaintance would go after that person.

I am not too concerned about my own safety, it is the risk of the role I signed up to when I started challenging Satan Hunters such as Rupert Wilson Quaintance IV and Nathaniel Harris. I do take the threats of Quaintance seriously and I do not want an innocent person being murdered because Nathaniel Harris started maliciously telling dangerous people that they are me in the hope of getting them hurt.

Nathaniel Harris had a lucky escape when he deleted the tweets he made to Rupert Quaintance telling him that I was someone who is not me. Had I been able to get screen shots of what was written, I would have gone to the police. I will put Harris on notice that he has crossed a line, and I will not sit back when he maliciously attempts to get some innocent person murdered by falsely saying I am that person.

I will be watching you Harris, and it will be a police matter if I catch you contacting dangerous people telling them I am someone you know is not me in the hope of getting that innocent person hurt.

On Satan Hunter Nathaniel Harris bullying journalists

Satan Hunter from Bristol Nathaniel Harris is now harassing, bullying and defaming journalists.

I totally condemn the recent activities of Satan Hunter from Bristol Nathaniel Harris, who acting like the North Korean despot, is trying to silence and bully journalists. The unacceptable and intense nature of the harassment against a BBC journalist by Nathaniel Harris has caused me to put out this blog post.

When I say journalists, I mean those people who have qualifications, insurance and belong to a proper regulated association for journalists; not those fake self-described “journalists” like Satan Hunters Matt Taylor, Richard Carvath and Angela Power Disney. I am talking about journalists who are accountable and follow a standard of journalistic conduct that makes them an important pillar in a free democratic system, where the difference is quality reliable news over fake propaganda. There is no difference between Kim Jong-Un, leader of North Korea, and a low level bully like Nathaniel Harris in their efforts to subvert the integrity of journalism by bullying journalists into silence or into reporting the tyrant’s fake abusive and harmful information.

In my role as an activist challenging Satan Hunters like Nathaniel Harris and their false Satanic Panic narratives, I will come into contact with journalists, mainly those who share a similar interest in the areas I deal with. Shayan Sardarizadeh is a BBC journalist reporting on “disinformation, conspiracy theories, cults and extremism” for the BBC. Sardarizadeh is not the only journalist I communicate with, others follow this blog, but I will not mention any names.

Because Nathaniel Harris has seen the BBC journalist Sardarizadeh like a few of my tweets, spotted a few communications between us, and this journalist does not mindlessly accept the false Satanic Ritual Abuse narrative that Harris has been pandering to journalists, Sardarizadeh and the BBC have become the recent focus of harassing abuse and defamation by Harris.

In one tweet Harris encourages gang stalking of the BBC journalist:

Nathaniel Harris encourages gang stalking of a BBC journalist

In another tweet Nathaniel Harris calls for the sacking of the journalist; for what? Not giving in to a bully to publish defamation, harassment and false allegations without proper evidence?

Nathaniel Harris calls for the sacking of a BBC journalist because they apply high standards of journalistic integrity by not publishing defamation, harassment and false allegations without evidence.

In my personal opinion Nathaniel Harris is well over the line for a report of harassment to the police, as well as a potential defamation court action by the journalist and/or their employer the BBC. I would add that Harris has completely lost the plot.

I now turn to some matters that need addressing with regards to Nathaniel Harris and this journalist.

I am none of the people Nathaniel Harris says I am

I will mention no names, to protect people from further harassment, but I am not any of the people Nathaniel Harris claims I am. Nor do I have any connection to the Kidwelly child abuse case, or any of the groups that Harris makes his false allegations against. I have never met any of the people subject to the false allegations by Harris. There is no dishonour being linked with any of the names, who are leading lights in their field; and there is no evidence to support the allegations that Harris makes against these innocent victims.

On Nathaniel Harris and the Order of Nine Angles

I have no association to the Order of Nine Angles (O9A). As any search of this blog will reveal, I have a track record of challenging the O9A. Nathaniel Harris has mentored a major leading light of the O9A called Michael Ford. Harris has weaponised his various interactions with the O9A in an effort to use them as a tool against his various victims, such as encouraging Ryan Fleming to think a victim was me in order to encourage the victim to be attacked.

On the Book by Nathaniel Harris called Satan Hunter

Nathaniel Harris has added to his ongoing campaign of harassment, abuse, false allegations and defamation of many victims by publishing a book, on sale on Amazon, in which he claims he mentions me and the BBC journalist, a book called Satan Hunter. Whilst I do not know the contents of the book, it is likely a repetition of fantasy and dishonesty of false allegation making, of the same Harris has been publishing on social media for over ten years. Harris is hard at work marketing his book, and is spamming and abusing anyone and everyone in promoting it. Any victims named in that book are entitled to complain to the police for harassment and take legal action against Harris. A complaint to Amazon may knock the book off Amazon.

On claims made against a BBC journalist by Nathaniel Harris

Shayan Sardarizadeh, a BBC journalist, was approached by Nathaniel Harris and his partner Jasmine with their story. I know this because I have read content published by Harris about this. The journalist applied the same journalistic standards to Harris as he would to anyone, including me, and decided not to deal with Harris. One of the reasons Harris is now pursuing this journalist in a bullying and harassing manner is that the journalist rejected his story; a cautionary outcome and risk that any journalist can note if they come into contact with Nathaniel Harris.

The first message I have had by Shayan Sardarizadeh about Nathaniel Harris was yesterday (24/01/22) when the harassment by Harris against the journalist became intense, leading to Harris and various “sock” accounts being blocked by the journalist. Harris made various untrue public statements against Sardarizadeh. Shayan Sardarizadeh did not share any personal information relating to Nathaniel Harris and his partner Jasmine with me, or any private communications. I blocked Jasmine, because she followed me on Twitter, which is how I became aware of her. My policy is to block all Harris-related social media accounts. I was not told about the Jasmine account by Sardarizadeh, nor did he share with me the telephone number of Nathaniel Harris. In my opinion Sardarizadeh has acted with objective integrity and professionalism as a journalist.

My legal position against Nathaniel Harris

The abuse, harassment and defamation against many victims by Nathaniel Harris has become intense and unpleasant. Harris has now published a book that names many of his victims, together with the most dishonest and vile of false allegations; a book that he is promoting hard and is earning sales from. The book is being promoted by others such as Satan Hunter Samantha Baldwin to a QAnon market, which will increase the harassment and harm done to innocent victims named in the book many times over. It is vital, considering there is a six month reporting limit for harassment, that victims named in this book go to the police, and also consider civil legal action against Nathaniel Harris. Although Harris claims to have made allegations against me for challenging his harassment of victims and his false allegation making, if the police do come to my door, it will trigger a police complaint from me against Nathaniel Harris. Harris will not be stopped from ruining the lives of innocent people until the police and the courts stop him.

Nathaniel Harris goes obsessive, what victims can do

Victims standing up to the Bristol based Satan Hunter Nathaniel Harris will be the difference between more victims, including children, being harmed by him. This blog post addresses some of the options victims have against Harris.

The Satan Hunter from Bristol Nathaniel Harris has gone obsessive, and whilst he is not hurting me, other people are being harmed by his malicious and dishonest activities. It is the intent of Harris that if he shouts loud enough and repeats it often enough, that naming a new victim XYZ as me, that my opponents will go after XYZ. This is pure malicious harassment against a named victim.

Someone else was the target of Nathaniel Harris with this tactic of naming them as me, and they suffered negative attention, and continue to do so. The previous Harris victim went to the police and took out a court action against Harris, and now he no longer repeats his harassment against that long suffering victim. XYZ has become the new victim for Harris of this naming strategy, with four blog posts being made in two days where Harris names me as XYZ. If Harris had done this to the previous victim, the police would be knocking on his door, but XYZ can also go to the police about this.

Why don’t I go to the police over this?

Firstly, it does not bother me what the creature called Harris says or does against me. Secondly, I am not the victim, but XYZ is. Thirdly, I came to the table with the intent of going face to face with bullying scum like Harris, and I accepted the burden that comes with the role that I would take the barbs and arrows that Harris will throw. My success against Satan Hunters is because I can just batter these nothings out of the way to go a thousand rounds with cowards like Nathaniel Harris for years and years, and eventually win. I am the knight that stands between little children and child abusers like Harris; the vulnerable children depend on those like me for what we do to defend them from the Satan Hunter.

What can XYZ do?

XYZ will read this, and I hope other victims will also read this, and do what other victims are now doing by going to the police about Nathaniel Harris. You do not have to suffer in silence for years and decades at the hands of Nathaniel Harris. The world has changed, and the UK police have come to realise that harassment of the type Harris is doing ruins lives, and they will act.

The key legal words here are “alarm and distress”: are the actions and words of Nathaniel Harris causing distress through unwanted repeated exposure to false allegations designed to harm? Does the words and actions cause a threat of harm and thus fear (alarm)? It is the malicious intent to cause harm to XYZ by encouraging others such as the Order of Nine Angles or other Satan Hunters to harass and target XYZ by encouraging them to think XYZ is me. The second issue is that Harris is repeating false allegations that XYZ is hurting children.

Inside of two days Nathaniel Harris has made four blog posts inferring XYZ is me with the intent of getting others to harm and harass them. In addition, Harris falsely infers in those four blog posts that XYZ harms children. Within the scope of the law, these are four blog posts that are four separate events of harassment that cause alarm and distress: only two separate events of harassment are required for the police to act. XYZ has a strong case to go to the police.

Harassment and Malicious Communication law in the UK

As well as harassment law (link to the law on harassment) there is also Malicious Communication (link to the law on Malicious Communication). Malicious Communication comes into play if Nathaniel Harris sends a communication direct to a victim such as a tweet, reply or e-mail that has the intent of causing alarm and distress, including making threats, false claims or with the intention of causing some form of mental anguish. Because the four events Harris has made against XYZ is on a blog, it is not a direct communication under the terms of Malicious Communication; but it is harassment.

Recording, copying and screenshooting Nathaniel Harris content as evidence

It is vital that victims of Nathaniel Harris screenshot and copy everything that is harassing or falls under malicious communication, including videos, tweets and blog posts, so this can be used by the police and courts as evidence to deal with Harris. Nathaniel Harris tends to wage his wars of terror on victims, including children, lasting for years, with some victims suffering for over a decade. It is onerous and time consuming work, but showing through a good evidence trail of screenshots and evidence gathering the ongoing and lengthy harassment by Harris against a victim improves the case to stop him. If the screenshots can be time and date stamped, that is useful. I have succeeded in legal cases where I have done this.

Victims can play their part, there is only so much I can do

There is only so much I can do to stop Nathaniel Harris from hurting children and other victims, and I do have a lot of options in my toolkit; but it comes down to the victims to play their part by going to the police and/or the courts to stop this vile monster in his tracks.

In reply to Satan Hunter Nathaniel Harris Jan 2022

Warning! This blog post might make the Satan Hunter Nathaniel Harris cry; but some things have to be said to him by a grown-up.

The Satan Hunter from Bristol Nathaniel Harris has said a few things in recent times during a new cycle of harassing, that I feel need addressing.

Why Nathaniel Harris is listed as a Satan Hunter

Like child abusers don’t want to be labelled child abusers, Harris does not like the label of being a Satan Hunter. I addressed the definition of Satan Hunter, and the three rules that gets a Satan Hunter listed for challenge, at this link.

So, why is Nathaniel Harris listed? Harris, a fantasy writer, has pulled in a few rare cases involving crimes by occultists, dumped a Satanist baby eating theme into the narrative, and included a few dozen reluctant individuals and groups he has a grudge against into a story where Harris is the hero, and then claimed this as a true Satanic Panic narrative. Harris, like the coward he is, rather than place himself as the tragic-hero-victim in the story like other Satan Hunters such as Angela Power Disney, Jeanette Archer and Becki Percy, groomed and made a young boy with learning diffculties the centre of the narrative. Used and abused by Harris and his partner, the kid was subject to an intense police, social services and Family Court investigation, which found that it was all a fiction created by Harris; and the boy was removed from the custody of Harris and his abusive partner. Thus, we have a real child who has been abused by Harris. The child victim and Harris are both of the UK. I hope this answers the question by Harris of why he is listed as a Satan Hunter for challenge in 2022.

Death Threat and Police Investigation

A man with a talent for making enemies, Harris attracted the attention of the Order of Nine Angles, who felt motivated to offer to opfer him in comments on his wordpress blog. Harris went to the police, and then pointed fingers at me. Nothing came of this, because I did not post the comment, and Twitter / WordPress refuses to give my account details to the police without a court order, so they could compare information such as my IP and e-mail to that of the death threat comment.

For legal reasons, I rarely post anything to the Satan Hunter social media accounts such as the Harris blog. I certainly would never post a comment to the Harris wordpress blog, because comments can be edited, which is to say, if I posted “I like cats“, Harris would change this to “I like dogs“, which is what the rodent Harris tends to do.

Harris is currently making his complaint about me to the police to be something more than it was, and he is using it like a wooden club to batter various of his long suffering victims with.

I am James Hind, is that a problem?

Nathaniel Harris is a confused man, like his ever-changing baby eating narrative. What is my name today Mr Harris? Do you have a bucket where you pull names out of to announce to the world of who I am when you get bored of the last name? I am none of the names Harris claims I am, and he knows it; but it is a useful harassing tool to encourage my many enemies to go after who Harris links to me. This is confusing for my enemies, because they have all these different names they share and reshare, and then they get dizzy and upset because their little minds cannot handle the stream of conflicting names Harris has invited them to believe is me. Harris is being unfair and unhelpful to my enemies; can he keep to just one name? How about Justin Bieber? Nobody likes the guy, so no harm done if my enemies pile in on him thanks to Harris.

When will Nathaniel Harris abandon his nappies?

I am of that belief of live by the sword die by the sword, which is to say that since I give harsh and hard criticism at the Satan Hunter on their character and fictional baby eating narratives, I would expect the same done to me. However harsh or nasty Nathaniel Harris gets with me, I won’t wet my nappy, play victim, and go running to the police. The thing is, if an individual intends to claim they are an authority, and say stuff that is in the public interest, especially related to serious criminal activity, such people are going to get challenged for it. When Harris invites people to burn a bookshop down based upon a claim he has made of serious child abuse without evidence, then clearly people like me challenging Harris is a difference of life and death. So, Harris has a choice of either shutting up or being a big boy and accept I am going to challenge everything he says and does – hard! Harris will be a man watched, challenged and reported, thus he will never again act thinking he can do and say as he has done without harsh response. But, no doubt Harris will wet his nappy when he reads this, and will be straight down to the local police station about the latest things the mean James Hind said about him.

Keeping it simple

When Nathaniel Harris looks up at the sky tomorrow, he will probably see a big cloud monster that is giving him the “finger”. I invite Harris to see lots of symbol and danger in this matter: that the nasty James Hind conjured up a cloud monster to be rude to him. Harris can wet his nappy, and then run straight to the nice police officer to tell him about the nasty cloud monster and James Hind. What Harris likes to see as a James Hind cleverly conjured up cloud monster being rude to him is actually just a cloud. Simple.

When I posted the jedi ninja cat gif on Twitter, it was because I like cats, it was funny, and it made the point that I will challenge misfit Satan Hunters like Harris, regardless of his threats and tantrums. But, to Harris, the gif was something deeply mystical and symbolic, with many meanings relating to different parts of his sordid and unhappy life. For Harris, simplicity and reality is too complicated to deal with, since he is too far lost down his own anal rabbit hole.

On the Satan Hunter Nathaniel Harris

Nathaniel Harris is a vile obsessive Satan Hunter with many victims to his name.

Satan Hunter Nathaniel Harris, a resident in the Bristol area of the UK, has recently had a surge of activity on social media where he is harassing and abusing many people with unfounded allegations of Satanic Ritual Abuse. An obsessive fantasist, Harris has also played the victim card, claiming he has gone to the police for harassment and is about to take court action against named people. This writer suspects the surge of activity by Harris reflects that Harris has had an adverse result in a civil court action against him by one of his many victims. This writer needs to address some of the points made by Harris in his latest wave of dishonesty, threat and fiction.

Who is Nathaniel Harris?

Nathaniel Harris is unusual in that he comes from a pagan and occult background, but he promotes Satanic Panic narratives that a “Satanic” section of UK are torturing, raping, murdering and eating children. Harris claims entire alternative religious communities such as Wicca, Druids, Chaos Magicians, Occultists, Pagans and Satanists are raping and killing children. Short of declaring himself as a fundamentalist Christian, Harris has been very enthusiastic in the witch hunting sense of trying to defame and destroy entire alternative religions and their leading names with dishonest false allegation making, with no evidence to back those claims up. Most of the “Christian” Satan Hunters tolerate Harris, and give him a platform to do his Satan Hunting against the innocent.

Harris is best described as a dabbler in the occult, a largely failed writer on occult themes whose books are mostly self-published, that reviewers consider as kindergarten and amateurish. Aged 50+ Harris has been unable to turn decades of involvement in the occult and witch scene into anything tangible. He is largely seen as a malcontent; an outcast subject to contempt and ridicule by his peers and entire communities. Harris has an axe to grind, and he pursues a vindictive campaign of revenge against targets using SRA as a tool to harass, defame and abuse; causing untold misery for many innocent people.

Many consider that Harris has mental health problems, although like most Satan Hunters, he has a personality disorder that gives him a false sense of entitlement and gross narcissism. Appearing in a documentary in his 20’s about witches, scenes where he claimed to have caused a child to fall down the stairs through his cursing them, and where he participated in a ritual to curse all his enemies, it largely sums up the personality of an individual who has problems in his relationships; and is unemployable.

Claiming to never have been a victim of SRA himself, Harris groomed and abused a boy to make SRA allegations against everyone Harris had fallen out with. Even if anyone did not know the case, the fact that neighbours, former male and female lovers, family, publishers, leading names in different religious outlooks, all happened to be part of the “cult”, and all happened to have fallen out with Harris, was a red flag that something was not right with the Harris story. Police investigations, social worker investigations, and a family court hearing that went into the Harris claims in detail, found them to be dishonest fictions. Harris was found to be an unfit and abusive person to be looking after a child, and lost custody, the second child he lost custody of as an unfit parent.

Harris has no connection to the Kidwelly Cult

The Kidwelly Cult was a small group of pagans convicted of sex abuse against children, a cult run by one self-proclaimed guru called Colin Batley. The Kidwelly Cult has become the heavily promoted case by Satan Hunters that SRA is going on in alternative religions such as Paganism. Nathaniel Harris has gone a step further by planting himself, a boy with learning difficulties, and all the victims he has a grudge against, into the Kidwelly Cult narrative; that all parties are involved in the Cult. This is a fantasy of Harris, since he has never offered evidence to link anyone he names with the Kidwelly Cult. The only one found to be an abuser of children is Harris. It also must be noted that sex abuse of children can go on in any situation or religion, and the isolated Kidwelly Cult does not automatically indicate that an entire set of alternative religions are dedicated to the sex abuse of children, as Harris likes to infer.

Harris and the Order of Nine Angles

Harris has recently tried to twist a new narrative that the terrorist Order of Nine Angles is connected to all those he falsely named as connected to the Kidwelly Cult. The truth is that when Harris claimed I was JV, members of the ONA who had an issue with me approached JV asking if he was me. Harris dishonestly and maliciously manipulated the ONA into believing that JV was me in the hope they would hurt JV. The ploy backfired, as the ONA dislikes being manipulated, and made threats that Harris would be their sacrificial victim (opfer). Harris has a connection to the ONA by reason that he was a mentor to Michael Ford, an individual who became a leading figure in the ONA, before eventually disowning them for their nazi views.

On Harris claims of police and legal threats against victims

The victims of Harris have suffered ten years of harassment, defamation and abuse against them: individuals and businesses. The false allegations Harris has made is of the worst kind, that the victims are raping and murdering children. In society, such allegations, can destroy the lives of people, can get them killed. It is a wonder why the UK legal authorities have not arrested and prosecuted Harris for these type of allegation making. The victims have correctly reported Harris to the police, and have even in one case run a civil court action against him. The victims have been disciplined in not falling to the level of Harris, but occasionally have issued statements putting the record straight. The pubic threats of police and legal action against the victims by Harris is just another harassing tactic he uses. The police do not investigate defamation, and Harris has no money to bring a defamation action. The police generally are only interested in harassment where there is hate crimes or threats made, since they can use malicious communication and hate crime legislation in addition to harassment legislation to pass on to the CPS to bring charges. It is difficult to build a case when the person claiming harassment is at the same time pursuing a conduct against people that is harassing.

My role against Harris

I became involved against Nathaniel Harris when he was promoting the Hampstead SRA Hoax. It was only later that I discovered that Harris had been abusing a child in his own care; but also the astonishing number of victims and length of time they had suffered at the hands of Harris through his false allegation making of SRA. Harris would later evolve his dishonest narrative to claim I was various people such as JV, and that I was raping and murdering children as part of his fictional Kidwelly Cult narrative. I am none of the people Harris claims I am, nor have I ever met them in real life; and my online communications with some of them is very limited. My role against Harris is for the prevention and investiagtion of crime; but also includes public interest, fair comment, justification and truth : all legal defences in harassment complaints. I can back anything I say with evidence, unlike Harris. Whilst I fully appreciate that many victims of Harris suffer in silence; my role includes offering a public alternative point of view to the world to the false one given by Harris to mitigate, and even put an end, to the malicious ongoing harassment against victims, including, children by Harris. My stance has always been that victims of Harris keep going to the police, and consider taking out a civil court injunction against Harris (cost approx £500). Meanwhile, I will be very public and assertive in challenging the illegal and dishonest conduct of Harris.

Satan Hunters turn sinister

Satan Hunter Jeanette Archer (in red t-shirt) runs a death-doomsday cult, which, if the experience of other cults go, will end in murder or mass suicides.

A year ago, Satan Hunters, those QAnon-types who claim Satanists eat babies, kidnapped a child in Wales, UK. Until that point, the leading figure of the child kidnappers, Wilfred Wong, was treated as something of a demented clown, who appeared on various conspiracy fringe YouTube platforms such as Shaun Attwood. It was a shock to this writer that the clown turned into a child kidnapper, and a real child suffered harm as a result.

This is the problem with clowns, fools and buffoons, people think they are harmless eccentrics, until they kidnap and murder people. Most Satan Hunters have this teflon quality about them, that the UK legal authorities treats them as annoying eccentrics, and will fail to address the serious threat to society, the vulnerable and children these Satan Hunters pose, until something bad happens. A score of complaints have gone in against the Satan Hunter Jeanette Archer to the UK legal authorities, but despite the serious nature of her words and deeds, nothing is done about a person who is seen as eccentric for claiming the Queen turns into a lizard, and claimed in public that the UK Prime Minister Johnson drinks baby blood.

Matt Taylor is now involved with terrorist network Order of Nine Angles, making threats on their behalf

Matt Taylor is a Brighton-based Satan Hunter, who runs dozens of social media accounts such as blogs, where he makes the lives of many people a misery. Taylor comes over as some crazy nutjob, a surreal experience out of a feverish nightmare, whose head seems too big to fit on the internet screen, as it indulges the viewer in an orgy of insanity. With the psychotic grin of a Cheshire Cat, Taylor tells his audience of his adventures: in being investigated for indecent images of children; of showing random boys in woodlands beheading videos; and most recently, his foray into beastiality. Taylor brings his insanity to politics, standing as an MP in national elections promising to build an island off Brighton and a base on the Moon; but at the same time, banned from local elections for harm done to innocent people that earned him a suspended prison term.

Matt Taylor’s desire for attention, sensation and power has resulted in his experimentation with Satanism. Taylor initially associated himself with The Satanic Temple, one of the first Satan Hunters I know of who actually made an effort to get to know about the Satanist religion; even announcing he would stand for The Satanic Temple in the UK national elections. Taylor found The Satanic Temple to be too moderate for his tastes, but then discovered the Order of Nine Angles, which appealed to his psychotic power hungry inclinations. The (ONA / O9A) was once seen as clownish; hungry for notability, when it chased after academics to give them publicity, but have now transformed into a network of murderers, terrorists and child abusers. The ONA now have a constant stream of notability in the media for arrests, murders, child sex abuse crimes and terrorism. Taylor has found a new love interest in the ONA: promotes them; engages with them; and defends them. Taylor threatens this writer that the ONA are unhappy with this writer, although the ONA have never been happy with this writer for years. Both Matt Taylor and the ONA are dangerous crazies, but the UK legal authorities suffer an inertia to act against them.

Jeanette Archer runs a doomsday-death cult that will one day end in tragedy

Jeanette Archer leads a doomsday-death cult around QAnon-inspired ideas. The cult numbers a thousand members, heavily controlled and monitored by Archer and her network of security. Archer talks about burning schools down, of kidnapping children and destroying the UK State. The security that Archer surrounds herself with have a love of guns, of militia, spying and taking down the State. The security make death threats, and are used like a hammer by Archer to silence her critics and enemies. Archer and her shady ally Jon Wedger, are supporters of child kidnapper Wilfred Wong. Archer and Wedger encourages vulnerable child abuse victims and those in child custody disputes that they are victims of Satanic Ritual Abuse, and two people have said Archer encourages such victims to kill themselves to further her own ends. The Archer cult reminds this writer of Heavens Gate and the Jonestown Massacre, cults that ordered their followers to kill themselves to enjoy a false paradise. This writer has lost count of the number of referrals of Archer and her cult to the UK legal authorities, all which seemingly has fallen on deaf ears.

A witness against Jon Wedger – Jeanette Archer “cult” network goes missing

“Lester” is a witness in the trial of child kidnapper Wilfred Wong, that resulted in heavy prison sentences for the kidnappers. “Lester” is currently missing, his car is in the hands of supporters of Wilfred Wong. “Lester” has been reported to the police as a missing person by his ally and a critic of Satan Hunters Shellie Mote. It is a sinister development that a Satan Hunter loyal to Wilfred Wong, Jon Wedger and Jeanette Archer happens to have the car of a missing person who did damage to their network. Ann Drogyne, a critic of Wedger, says in reply to a post about the missing “Lester”:

I’m telling you, some day there will be a disaster connected to that crank Wedger.

Ann Drogyne. Twitter, 12th Nov 2021

Drogyne is right, the Satan Hunters are all cranks, weirdos, eccentrics and mad; and he is also right that Satan Hunters will result in a disaster for someone – kidnap; terrorism; suicide; death. In the case of “crank” Wilfred Wong, a child has already been kidnapped, and someone has died by suicide. The problem here is the legal authorities do nothing, since to them the Satan Hunters are just cranks; meanwhile, the Satan Hunters have become more sinister and darker, and further tragedies are only a few steps away from reality.

Reverse Christians and Satanic Ritual Abuse

When Reverse Christians in the Order of Nine Angles and the Roman Catholic Church ritually abuse and harm children, it is Satanists who get the blame, and we support this impression by saying and doing nothing.

Large numbers of cases have emerged over the years of Catholic nuns, monks and priests indulging in the most perverted and sadistic abuse against children in their care, with an enquiry in Scotland revealing the horror inflicted upon orphan children at Smyllum Park by the nuns and their associates of the Daughters of Charity of St Vincent de Paul in Scotland.

Amongst the many allegations given to the enquiry by victims at Smyllum Park is that of Satanic Ritual Abuse.

‘There was quite a lot of us, with the sisters, five or six of them, maybe more. They would take us out into a big field and make us stand in a circle and dance around a tree.

‘They would take us to the back of a chapel, they would take us down the stairs – it was dingy and dark with candles. There would be a big square slab, they laid me on that.’

Janie said: ‘I was sitting on one of the nun’s knees, they gave me a lollipop. They said, “The Devil’s coming out now”.’

She said she did not know who her abuser was but ‘it was a guy in a hood – and they said it was the Devil’. She was sexually abused by the man then taken outside, where they ‘buried me alive, left me there’.

One of the nuns whispered to her: ‘Don’t worry, you will get back out.’

She said she was ‘buried in a drain’ and left overnight, and released in the morning.

Janie said the nuns dragged her upstairs in the home, where she was forced to take a bath in what she was told was blood, but now believes to be ‘red dye’.

She said: ‘They made out it was blood, they soaked me under it.’

In the context of the scale and depth of the horror being revealed at Smyllum Park I believe this is an authentic example of ritualistic abuse, however, this is by Catholic nuns rather than Satanists.

Reverse Christians, those that invert the Christian religion, but in essence are still Christians indulging in their Christian interpretation of Satan, have nothing to do with Satanists and Satanism.  It is a small step to take by the Catholic nuns at Smyllum Park after indulging in neglect, sexual, emotional and physical abuse, to include Reverse Christian rituals to torture children, then we Satanists get soiled with the taint of the depravity expressed by those of the Catholic religion.

Ritualistic abuse happens, and this is going on by non-Satanists, those connected to the Roman Catholic Church, Order of Nine Angles or mentally disturbed individuals.  Whilst the majority of Satanists and others of the Left Hand Path remain indifferent, the Reverse Christians are going to write our narrative for us that Satanists are ritually abusing, killing and eating babies.