New Directions

Events in recent months has prompted a series of changes and the evolution of a new chapter in the direction of I and that of Project Night Watch. These four events were: 1. situation relating to Jamie Lofthouse; 2. revolting disclosures made by Satan Hunter Richard Carvath against a child victim; 3. the dire current situation of a victim as a result of actions by Satan Hunters; 4. the argument I had with a police officer after an online report was put in against a certain Satan Hunter.

The changes, that will roll out slowly over a period of a year or longer is as follows:

  1. I shall cease as spokesperson for Project Night Watch from 2024 onwards.
  2. This blog site will return to the prior roots of dealing with philosophy, and matters relating to the Left Hand Path, but will no longer deal with Satan Hunter and Project Night Watch material.
  3. A specific website will emerge in 2024 to deal with Project Night Watch content.
  4. Victims of Satan Hunters will have a specific point of contact they can communicate with by e-mail for Project Night Watch.
  5. For the purposes of reporting and monitoring Project Night Watch will make decisions on new and appropriate official social media platforms to work through and with new accounts. The old accounts will go inactive.
  6. A company is being formed to hold the intellectual property, hosting and domains plus technology tools that Project Night Watch uses. The company relationship to PNW is that of business and customer. Private information in relation to investigation and prevention of crime is held by PNW separate from the company. The company will be trading as a business, and the proceeds of that will contribute to assisting in protecting victims of Satan Hunters. The company will be able to raise legal actions, appoint lawyers and private investigators. 
  7. I and Project Night Watch will be independent and separate from any other individual or group that challenges Satan Hunters. We will be less focussed on online challenges and more towards the invisible work going on against Satan Hunters. 
  8. The media and those in law enforcement will have a means of contacting PNW via their website. 
  9. The 24 Satan Hunters as previously listed remain the main focus of PNW.
  10. PNW will in future only be dealing with cases involving child victims and their families. All other types of victims can benefit from resources on the planned PNW website, but we will no longer be able to assist these other victims in any other way. PNW will not specifically be challenging Satanic Panic narratives but rather the false allegation making spinning off from relevant Satanic Panic hoaxes such as the Hampstead and Wilfred Wong cases that have child victims and their families involved. 
  11. The publishing of alternative narratives to the ones published by Satan Hunters, and the challenging of the false narratives can be achieved from a fully seo designed main PNW website. All other work by PNW can be invisible and needs no publicity. 
  12. The above changes reflect the changing dynamics in the internet where regulation, technology and litigation is impacting the ability of Satan Hunters to mass organise, promote and publish false Satanic Panic information against victims. The changes also take pressure off me, and shifts the burden of the workload that I can no longer realistically maintain. 

Plaything of the gods

What weavings, entanglements and dark designs are these that the Satan Hunters and their friends unleash upon me? Those who cast malign false allegations against the innocent that they harm children for Satan – Matthew Taylor of Brighton, Nathaniel Harris of Bristol, Shellie Mote of Bury St Edmunds, and their faithless friend Jamie Lofthouse – act like the gods in manipulating narratives and events to unleash the police, lawyers, journalists and other phantasms upon me.

It feels for a time that pieces are on the move on the game board and that I am not entirely the master of my own destiny. Sure, I make choices and moves – make defensive tweets and blog posts as best as I can to see off any potential challenges, but there is an air of panic amongst those I named above, and they are working hard with their designs to cause a lot of mischief to get themselves out of the holes they find themselves in. There is something on the wind, the dice are rolling and there are hidden things in motion. This is not a situation I particularly like, having a desire for the safe known path. This time the path has vanished and so I walk an unknown road. The gods play chess. 

Boastful Nathan

Satan Hunter Nathaniel Harris of Bristol, a guy who accuses the innocent of harming children for Satan, is a boastful fellow, a guy who writes low-end books in the occult genre, boasting nine book sales with an income of approx £30 this month. Go you! Nathan! That is like £3 a book and enough to buy two tickets to see Peter Pan at the Bristol Hippodrome this Christmas. 

For a man that needs approval and recognition that he has success and talent, these little successes go a long way to counter feelings of inferiority for Nathaniel Harris, but to the general public nine book sales and £30 income is useful, but no big deal. Harris self publishes, and no publisher in his genre wants to associate with him, not only due to the low quality of his work, but he also tends to be a malicious false allegation making little man who is hard to work with.

I have never written a book, but I do want to write one about Satan Hunters, so any tips on how to go about this would be much appreciated from Nathaniel Harris. I am of course not Dave Lee, and I understand he is also a writer, though I do not know how successful he is. According to Harris this Dave Lee is not making the sort of sales and profit that Harris is making. I am however an expert on marketing and branding, so I am sure I can give a helping hand to Dave Lee, as well as another writer called Rosie Waterhouse, who has published a new book called Satanic Panic: A Modern Myth – that is a book about the Satan Hunters and their Satanic Panic Hoaxes as promoted by Nathaniel Harris.

My focus in 2024 might be a creative product for which I have sold a few units of already over the last few years. By coincidence a customer living not far from an abode of Harris purchased three units last year. With a focus I can get hundreds or thousands of units of that product sold in 2024. Whoops, here was I boasting. Naughty me. Boastful James. 

I wish Nathaniel Harris success in his book sales in 2024, for I know he has a huge legal costs bill to pay, and probably other legal related costs being generated over the coming year to pay off. 

Nathaniel Harris spins himself into a dizzy fantasy

Nathaniel Harris of Bristol, a Satan Hunter who accuses the innocent of harming children for Satan, has jumped to conclusions about a recent post I made, insisting this is about him. To be clear, the post has nothing to do with him – it is a different Satan Hunter. 

Recently on Twitter I was subject to a spam attack by three troll accounts accusing me of being Dave Lee, abusing me and making false allegations. Over the last three years Nathaniel Harris has hit me with multi-post abusive spam on my social media using sock accounts and accusing me of being Dave Lee; it was only natural therefore that I assumed it was him. However, there was a technical difference in this latest sock account attack and that which Nathaniel Harris launches, and I had other information come in that this was another person associated with another pro-Satanic Panic fanatic called Sonia Poulton. I sit on the fence on this one, so I say this latest abuse might be sourced to Nathaniel Harris. 

My name is a pseudonym, which often means Satan Hunters like Nathaniel Harris speculates and associates me to different people. Harris for many years accused me of being Julian Vayne, then he changed that accusation a few years ago to that of Dave Lee. Other Satan Hunters such as Matthew Taylor of Brighton accuses me of other, different names. Harris accuses Taylor of being part of the conspiracy against him by daring to give a different name to the one he has for me. Nathaniel Harris often uses my name to beat his victim Dave Lee with; and this victim has to suffer in silence, and certainly has not participated in any way to stalk and harass Nathaniel Harris. Certainly I have hammered Harris with satire, sarcasm and challenges over the years, but I am not Dave Lee. 

Nathaniel Harris is of course welcome to pass my social media content, such as my blog posts to the police. If the police do a search on this blog (use words “Nathaniel Harris” in search terms), they will find many posts I have made in relation to Nathaniel Harris since 2016. I challenge Nathaniel Harris for the purposes of investigation and prevention of crime. Nathaniel Harris for over a decade has abused many innocent people with false allegations, and these victims have suffered in silence, so I have come along and started destroying the narratives of Harris as well as adding useful information about the character and history of Harris. The counter-narratives have sunk Harris and his false allegation making narratives, which does have an impact of protecting victims from him. 

I know that Nathaniel Harris is in legal trouble, because when he starts hiding content, deleting it or going silent, which for an obsessive stalking and harassing addict like himself is unusual, I know something is on the wind. Harris has also indicated he is in trouble with the police from reading between the lines of what he has said on his latest wave of blog posts. 

The police of course are welcome to contact me to discuss my ongoing interactions with Nathaniel Harris. Whatever is going on between Nathaniel Harris and any victims, that is subject to police complaints, is nothing to do with me; even if Harris is trying to spin himself dizzy with his latest fantasies. 

Frustrations protecting victims from Satan Hunters

Recently I had a very intense conversation with a police officer on a matter relating to a Satan Hunter – those who accuse innocent people of harming children for Satan. The police officer, one of those civilian staff, had not even bothered to read through the online report I sent to them, and seemed more intent on finding reasons for not pushing the report through so a proper police officer could address it; they felt it should be the victim who reports this and not me. 

At the same time the police was showing lack of interest and inertia for my police report, the social media companies was returning my reports to them as “not breaking their terms and conditions”. Meanwhile the Satan Hunter was all over the victim trashing their life. As to the victim, they was in a situation in their lives when other things such as survival was more important than what a Satan Hunter was doing to them online. It was a situation that I hit a wall and could do nothing more whilst an injustice was being inflicted and the legal system of the UK had failed to protect the vulnerable victims, in fact turning their back on those victims. It is at this point when I fully understand why people feel motivated to take the law into their own hands.

I had a conversation with one of my associates in Project Night Watch about why these Satan Hunters do what they do chasing conspiracy theories and ruining the lives of the innocent. There is an argument we agreed that because people today live in relative comfort with easy access to food, shelter, water and central heating, they have become lazy and stupid. When you have Satan Hunters such as Matthew Taylor of Brighton and Nathaniel Harris of Bristol having generous benefits payments paying for all their basic comforts, with direct access to the internet, a situation where they never need to work again, and all the time in the world, it is easy in their lives of comfort to pursue fantasies and conspiracies, as well as ruin the lives of others with their false allegation making. Too many victims are pushed into life and death situations thanks to these Satan Hunters and their indulgencies in fantasies supported by living the life of ease and comfort.

One of the conclusions I take from this latest matter involving Satan Hunters and their victims is that ease and comfort brings about stupidity and evil. A hundred years ago people had to work 6 days a week, 14 hours a day, and still wondered if they had enough money at the end of the week for food and rent. There was no central heating, no pizza delivery service and the toilets was outside if such people was blessed with such luxury. Nobody had the time to indulge in fantasies that the Queen of England was a shapeshifting lizard who ate children. When people come to the table feeling self entitled about anything, I am more likely now to tell them to f*ck off. 

The internet had the potential to educate and help people achieve their full human potential. What this technology has become is misinformation, entertainment, predation and mind destroying toxicity. The quality information is hidden behind paywalls favouring the wealthy that can afford this, whilst the rest of humanity indulge in the crap that is of no use to man or beast. 

Obviously I will never abandon the victims and will continue to fight the Satan Hunters. The current obstacle will be smashed through with focussed effort as always happens. However, to win this fight with the Satan Hunters and assist the victims, the strategy has to be one that hits the technolgy that gives Satan Hunters their power. The police and courts will take years of investment and change to become viable again to protect the innocent. I can’t do anything about the police and the courts, but I can do something about the technology. This is where my thinking has moved to as I enter into 2024 and year nine of the fight with Satan Hunters. 

On the paedophile debate and Matthew Taylor of Brighton

Matthew Taylor of Brighton is a man with an obsession around the subject of paedophiles. A new round of social media debate has emerged on the matter of Taylor accusing innocent people of being paedophiles – again – and if this is a matter of projection of his own unhealthy inclinations towards children. This is the subject of this blog post.

Matthew Taylor is a serial accuser against the innocent

Matthew Taylor is known as a Satan Hunter, a religious extremist who accuses innocent targets that they harm children for Satan. Taylor has a pattern of hostility towards various alternative religions such as Satanism, and he uses that religion as the basis to attack anyone and everyone he dislikes as being Satanists harming children for Satan.

Accusing innocent people of criminal wrongdoing, especially of murder and harming children, is as natural as breathing by Matthew Taylor. It is a matter of public record that Sussex police and crime commissioner Katy Bourne was stalked and harassed by Taylor with many false allegations including being a paedophile. Taylor was arrested in recent times over his online harassment of Jamie Lofthouse, a campaign of terror that included comparing Lofthouse as a love child of a convicted paedophile. A recent victim is a YouTuber called GrobNob who Taylor falsely and with no evidence accused of abducting, murdering and cutting up their former partner to feed to their ferrets, as well as claims they was to appear in crown court on criminal charges. Taylor with regards to me has accused me of being involved in the murder of a baby and of connection to a missing child who ran away from home in Brighton.

Child protection concerns about Matthew Taylor

Whilst falsely accusing others of crimes against children – none Matthew Taylor followed up by reporting to the police – he is subject to accusations and fears about his own conduct with children. Taylor was arrested and charged on allegations that he possessed indecent images of children on his storage devices, at least one image was a category B image of severe sexual abuse of a child. Taylor filmed himself with another male approaching children in Brighton asking them to take their clothes off. Taylor was also arrested on suspicion of taking children to a woodland, showing them baby beheading pictures and acting sexually towards them. Of the children in the woodland, Taylor accuses me of acting in a conspiracy with the children and their parents to frame him, although he offers no evidence in support of this accusation.

Paedophiles can be married and have children

Matthew Taylor argues that he is no paedophile because he has been married and has children. The reality is that a paedophile can be married and have children; in fact paedophiles who have been caught in the many stings by paedophile hunters come from all walks of life, and there is no way to distinguish between them other than their sexual interest in children. Terry Yates for example had everything – a house, job, wife, family and friends – yet was convicted of being a paedophile.

False argument a person is a paedophile because they are anonymous

Those like me who challenge extremists like Matthew Taylor quite rightly have to protect ourselves and our families or we would suffer a similar problem as Katy Bourne and Jamie Lofthouse encountered with Taylor. Taylor has been recently doxxing an individual he thinks is me, and has shown an unhealthy interest in a child of a Project Night Watch family member (anonymised) who is shown in our logo.

Paedophile allegations by Matthew Taylor against social media platform moderators

When it comes to paedophiles preying on children on social media platforms and posting illegal content, there is an expectation by society that these platforms play their part in keeping children safe, which is why they have staff such as moderators to eliminate these predators and their content. These moderators will come across paedophiles and their illegal content, which is part of the job, and they have the tools and duty to eliminate those undesirables and their content from the platforms. The moderators might act as child decoys in the same way as the police and the paedophile hunters do, which is another strategy to identify and elminate paedophiles who might pose a risk to users on the platforms. These moderators have to abide by the processes and rules of their social media platforms or be fired, thus there are protocols they have to follow when it comes to dealing with paedophiles and their content, which means they cannot just go off to contact the police directly themselves; such platforms have other staff who do that, which requires greater access to systems log files and tools than the moderators have. Because a moderator has to deal with illegal content, acts as decoys, and have to follow specific procedures defined by the platforms that employ them, this won’t make them paedophiles as Matthew Taylor spins.

On the threat to public safety posed by Matthew Taylor

There is enough evidence in the public domain to argue that Matthew Taylor poses a threat to public safety, which includes concerns about how he conducts himself with children. Project Night Watch proceeds in their investigations and challenges on Matthew Taylor under the remit of investigation and prevention of crime. Taylor may surprisingly have avoided prosecution in a court of law for paedophile-like charges against children, but in my personal opinion there is an argument for a Sex Prevention Order to be applied to Matthew Taylor via a magistrates court based just on the information that exists in the public domain, and also requres a lower level of evidence based on balance of probability as opposed to beyond reasonable doubt to succeed. I would also be open to another blanket court order that prevents Taylor from making false allegations against innocent people.

Answering the false allegations of Satan Hunter Matthew Taylor of Brighton

My latest clash with the Satan Hunters – those who accuse innocent people that they harm children for Satan – is the Satan Hunter from Brighton known as Matthew Taylor. This Satan Hunter accuses me of being involved in the events involving his arrest in December 2020 for allegedly talking to children sexually and showing them baby beheading videos in a Brighton woodland. I shall deal with each of three false claims in turn, quoting what Taylor claimed and then replying to that.

On a criminal investigation into Matthew Taylor relating to Jamie Lofthouse

“James Hind was also had a direct involvement in persuading xxxxxxx to make a malicious allegation of Stalking with Violence against me, plus his involvement in persuading xxxxxxx to make a malicious and frivolous allegation of Malicious Communication against me too.”

Matthew Taylor 01/01/23

Matthew Taylor refers to the case of police complaints by Jamie Lofthouse against himself that has resulted in Taylor being arrested twice; a police investigation that remains ongoing. My involvement in that case is limited to passing on screen shots of postings Taylor has made against Lofthouse, advising that victim on personal internet safety and legal process. Anyone who knows anything about Lofthouse knows he is a manipulative evil puppet master, and not one that is easily manipulated or persuaded to do anything. Lofthouse has had the tendency to do the opposite of anything I promoted or advised him to do. Both Taylor and Lofthouse have actively ensnared me in this case, which is why I tend to speak about it in order to deal with matters and complications they both cause by their machinations that impacts me and Project Night Watch.

On various matters involving Matthew Taylor and child protection concerns

“This is the basis of my firm held belief that he was responsible for enticing three teenage boys to make very serious malicious allegations against me during the Christmas period of 2020.”

Matthew Taylor 01/01/23

In December 2020 Matthew Taylor was accused by children and their parents of taking those children to a Brighton woodland to share baby beheading videos with them and where he acted sexually inappropriately with them. Taylor was arrested and the investigation was closed based on lack of evidence. Afterwards Taylor then embarked on a victimisation of those children and their parents with information drops that resulted in me passing comment; Taylor then accused me of being involved in a case of perverting the course of justice of working with the parents and their children in a conspiracy to frame him. I have never spoken to or know the parents and their children in this case; nor has Taylor ever offered direct evidence showing I was involved outside of commenting on content that Taylor published in the public domain on this case.

At minimum there is a major concern why a middle-aged man like Matthew Taylor is taking children who have no family connection to him into a woodland on his own, and has clearly done something to cause those children and their parents to complain to the police, resulting in his arrest. Anyone who has seen the internet content of Matthew Taylor for a while will be unsurprised by these allegations of these children against him as he tends to indulge in risky online and offline taboo and criminal behaviour that has resulted in his arrest by the police numerous times. Previous to this arrest Taylor was arrested and charged for indecent images of children that was found on his storage devices; and in the recent year he filmed himself and another male approaching children in Brighton and asking them to take their clothes off. There is obvious child protection concerns in play with Matthew Taylor.

Matthew Taylor accuses me of being Blakewood and creating fake accounts

“As its also my firm held belief that he is also behind the Blakewood sock puppet account, responsible for creating a fake Facebook account of me, and causing immense alarm distress and fear towards both Kelly Rusling and Billy Bennett.”

Matthew Taylor 01/01/23

There is an individual called Blakewood who many people suspect or complain is creating fake accounts of them and is causing various types of trolling mischief; Taylor not only claims I am Blakewood but that I am behind the creation of these fake accounts. Matthew Taylor is as usual making false allegations without evidence: I am neither Blakewood, or have worked with him other than made a few communications with him. Blakewood has no association with Project Night Watch, nor has he worked in association with me on any of my projects against Satan Hunters. I do not know who Blakewood is, nor do I have any evidence that he is behind any of the alleged fake accounts he is accused of being behind. I take pride in identifying myself to any Satan Hunters with any content I create, so that they know clearly it is me who is taking them down and apart. I like simplicity and can’t be bothered with other accounts outside of one silent account to monitor Satan Hunters where my main account is blocked by accounts on social media sites such as Facebook and Twitter.

Conclusion: Matthew Taylor is an agent of his own misfortune

“James Hind has been a constant cause of alarm distress and fear throughout 2022, as he was during 2021 and 2000.”

Matthew Taylor 01/01/23

All these false allegations against me and others that Matthew Taylor makes is the reason why he is getting challenged and why he is always being arrested. Any normal person would have changed their behaviour, but it seems Taylor is a drama and risk taking adrenaline junkie who likes to live on the edge of the taboo and criminal, seeing how far he can go in making a portfolio of victims lives a living misery of alarm and distress. The life and difficulties that Matthew Taylor now exists in is because of his own choices and behaviour, and as 2023 ends, things will only get worse for him if he persists.

On Jamie Lofthouse

During the last two days I and Project Night Watch have devoted a lot of resources to researching matters and background relative to a former anti-Satan Hunter activist Jamie Lofthouse for legal reasons. This blog post is about some of our findings and conclusions.

Yanto “troll” account

There is an account out there called Yanto who operates on YouTube, Twitter and perhaps other platforms for over a year focussed on an aggressive campaign of challenges against Jamie Lofthouse, me and a few others. Yanto has a talent for creating YouTube videos, is witty and even funny, though they have also been cruel and have put out fake information against their targets.

I suspected Yanto was a Satan Hunter – those who accuse innocent people of harming children for Satan – but I failed to pin down who they was. As it turns out the research identified who Yanto was and they was no Satan Hunter. We have decided not to reveal who Yanto is, and will just refer to them as Yanto; but this and other information has changed things completely in how we are to deal with the matter of Jamie Lofthouse. The same Lofthouse also knows who Yanto is, but has pretended ignorance right from the start when Yanto emerged on the scene.

Police complaints against Satan Hunters Shellie Mote and Matthew Taylor

I know that Jamie Lofthouse has made police complaints against Shellie Mote and Matthew Taylor either because Lofthouse told me or these people posted something about it on their social media. These matters the last I knew was tied to crime reference numbers and in the police investigation stages. The involvement of I and Project Night Watch (PNW) with these investigations is limited to offering Lofthouse advice on personal internet safety, legal process and passing relevant content from our intelligence network onto Lofthouse to pass to those dealing with his case. The nature of the police complaints is not known, but if they fall into threat, doxxing of personal information, direct involvement between Mote and Taylor with the personal life and family of Lofthouse and hate crime, then he has a case (opinion).

Both Lofthouse, Mote and Taylor has entangled me and PNW in these above cases hence we have taken steps to try to put distance from them with public statements. Mote and Taylor claims we are more involved with their cases than we have said above. Lofthouse has gone so far as attempt to try and entangle us into his cases by threats and claims that our own independent investigations and challenges on Mote and Taylor is impacting his case and demands we cease our own activism when what we do has nothing to do with him.

Lofthouse has further via private or public social media information drops claimed we are now perverting the course of justice and involved in witness intimidation against him. If Lofthouse had the sense, he would not be talking about his cases in any way via his social media and in private conversations, since that complicates matters for the police and CPS. I and PNW have the right to answer any threats and information drops Lofthouse makes against us that is harming our own reputations and operations; this is not witness intimidation, it is dealing with attacks Lofthouse has made upon us. As to us talking about police investigations Lofthouse has a connection to, he entangled us in those cases, and any public conversations being had is because of Lofthouse and his stupidity.

As to perverting the course of justice, being transparent and offering full disclosure so that the police and CPS can make a fully informed decision is important for the process of justice. Lofthouse knows who Yanto is; that Yanto has a direct personal interest in Lofthouse; that Yanto has been in communication with Mote and Taylor both in comments on their own social media and on that of Mote and Taylor in a supportive and friendly way; and that Yanto has a lot of information that would be of great interest to the cases Lofthouse is involved in. Which then in my opinion makes it vital that Yanto and the police sit down and discuss matters relative to Lofthouse and his police complaints; Lofthouse can make that happen.

Lofthouse police and legal threats against me

It is very easy to get locked into catastrophic thinking, of thinking the worst, when someone like Jamie Lofthouse hammers away with aggressive fear mongering threats of legal hell and damnation unless an individual like me bows to his bullying. Lofthouse claims he will get family to finance private legal actions against me, and claims he has reported me to the police for all kinds of things. The research has found similar tactics Lofthouse has employed of legal intimidation against other people such as Sheva Burton, where he even rang her up to do this: as far as I know nothing came of these threats against Burton. Because I know that Lofthouse knows who Yanto is, and that there has been no civil or police activity against Yanto by Lofthouse, this undermines the credibility of any legal threats Lofthouse has made against me.

Smoke and Mirrors

One of the conclusions that come out from the research is that Jamie Lofthouse is something of a liar and a fantasist. Social media posts of images of a coffee he claims he is drinking or a fast car he claims to be driving, are stolen images from the internet. The claim he was a writer, director and actor in a Star Trek television series, is just a roleplay on Eve Online. The claim he is worth £20 million is just a manipulation of data he submitted himself to a site. and an attempt to link his name to a boy band he has no association with. Yanto, who knows this guy quite well, has said as much that the background of Lofthouse is less happy and successful than Lofthouse likes to portray.

Why is Lofthouse here?

Why is Jamie Lofthouse involved in this niche area of child protection: the war between Satan Hunters and those like me who oppose them? Nobody in their right mind, unless they have a direct personal interest, is involved in this niche. This is one of the questions that has always bugged me with Lofthouse. He shows up in 2020 and then is amongst us, befriends me, then causes anarchy playing off both sides against each other. One moment Lofthouse is interested in fighting Satan Hunters, then he is their friend. Lofthouse supports Ukraine, but is next asking for food parcels to be sent to Russia on his TikTok account. Lofthouse shows interest in my religion of Satanism and then quickly becomes Christian, then is back as a Satanist. Lofthouse without asking uses the name of one of those who comment on my blog, taking on their identity to post in their name on my blog site expecting I would be okay with this. I still do not know what the intent of Lofthouse was to become involved with me and the niche I work in, but it was not a positive authentic one.

Jamie Lofthouse branding as a creative

I never understood why with his twin interests in sci-fi and LGBTQ that Lofthouse could not have given his full focus to those markets, which are huge markets for his branding. His main social media platform is YouTube; the content of that account is like the UK version of Woolworths in that it sells everything and anything, so that you don’t know what his branding is about. As a creative most of his content is stolen from other creatives; and his followers cannot have a conversation with him as he always has his comments turned off, unless of course people contact him by the onerous e-mail method.


The research of the last few days focussed on Jamie Lofthouse has eased my mind somewhat as to the threat Jamie Lofthouse might pose in the legal sense. I cannot personally give more time to this matter of Lofthouse as there is only 20 more days before xmas, and the projects both with Project Night Watch and in my personal life is so huge in number I know I will not be able to get all that needs to be done before the holidays, even with the reinforcements of resources.

I am of the thinking that I would like closure on the matter of Jamie Lofthouse and forget about him, although I reckon he and events probably won’t make that possible. I would rather Lofthouse walks away from my niche to something more productive like his sci-fi and LGBTQ interests. There is nothing for Lofthouse in my niche, just lots of trouble which seem to hover around him like so many angry bees. If it does come to a legal and social media fight with Lofthouse, I and Project Night Watch are quite prepared for it; but as I said I am simply now watching and waiting to see how events unfold.