On allegations Jeanette Archer is promoting suicide to child abuse victims

Shocking revelations in the form of an e-mail has emerged that UK lead Satan Hunter Jeanette Archer has allegedly been grooming child abuse victims, especially those claiming Satanic Ritual Abuse, to commit suicide. Cranleigh based Archer in the e-mail was said to have urged a victim to commit suicide, offering to show them how to hang themselves, and that she and “Dan” would help the victim set up the camera to record the suicide. The e-mail suggested the victim commit suicide on Halloween and give Archer and her SRA claims lots of publicity.

The victim had approached an activist against Satan Hunters known as Shellie Mote, and had provided the e-mail and other evidence in support of their claims. The victim is under the protection of Mote, but this writer does not know who they are, and they rightly are being kept anonymous. The video by Shellie Mote that highlights the contents of the e-mail, which comes with a trigger warning, is here. The matter has rightly been referred to the police, who have now been in touch with Mote.

Who is Shellie Mote?

Shellie Mote is an activist against Satan Hunters, who has been active for about a year. Mote is a child abuse victim, a victim of abuse in a Christian setting, who was one of many initially sucked into the Jeanette Archer anti-child abuse bandwagon. Whilst in the emerging Archer cult, Mote started asking questions, and eventually left the group, becoming a whistleblower on the inner workings of the group and on the character of Archer. The revelations by Mote at the time about Archer did a lot of damage to Archer and her credibility; that gave a sinister insight into a network that involved many people and groups that seemed to prey on, rather than help, victims of child abuse. Mote has been very active challenging specifically Archer and her network, no doubt saving many vulnerable victims from being used and abused by Archer. Mote encouraged a witness in the Wilfred Wong child kidnapping case to come forward, who became a key witness in the trial resulting in heavy jail terms for Wong and other child kidnappers. Mote derailed a SRA documentary that was designed to support Wong and his SRA claims. Earning total hatred from Satan Hunters, Mote continues to be a thorn in their side, with more and more victims approaching Mote about Archer.

The e-mail revelations are met with shock

Rightly, the e-mail, has been met with shock and horror; people asking could this really have happened? If authentic, the e-mail is damning, and may be the end of Archer, as encouraging people to suicide in UK law is illegal. Satan Hunters causing people to commit suicide is not entirely new: Satan Hunter Angela Power Disney contributed to the suicide of a father in a child custody battle; one of the defendants in the Wilfred Wong child kidnapping case committed suicide whilst on remand in jail; too many victims of Satan Hunters have considered suicide, including one victim I work with.

The e-mail revelations are in keeping with the activities and character of Jeanette Archer, who month by month pushes the boundaries of criminality and reason: claiming the Queen turned into a giant lizard and sexually abused her at Windsor Castle; promoting the kidnap of children; calling for schools and hospitals to be burnt down; urging her “army” to abuse police and attack Freemason Halls; convicted of breaking a court order naming the kidnapped child in the Wilfred Wong case; preying on a terminally ill woman for donations; the abusive treatment of child abuse victims; the use of her psychotic security to intimidate critics; her tight cultish control over her group. If Jeanette Archer was a Roman Empress, she would compare to Caligula in her insanity. This writer was aware of rumours of Archer encouraging child abuse victims to suicide, for instance one person made a comment to an article on this blog saying as much:

Archer is dangerous, she encouraged a number of survivors who after going on Sean attewood and /or Jon Wedger show to help them to commit suicide as they were left triggered and vulnerable after podcasts wanting to end their lives To do a live video online giving Jeanette the status of leading the cause to expose SRA she would pretend to not know about the suc idea but it would be aired on her show pretending to interview them about SRA.
She is a very dangerous psychopath who will go to any lengths for attention.

Comment 09/10/21 in blog post link as above.

Whilst people should quite rightly question everything they read and hear, there is a witness (the victim) and the e-mail evidence. The matter is in the hands of the police, and anyone making false allegations will be committing a criminal offence. Whilst some say Shellie Mote might be the victim of false information, Mote has to act on that information, and quite rightly the police are now involved. It is also in the public interest and a safeguarding issue to highlight these revelations, as it could be a matter of life or death, if someone has been groomed and is on the verge of suiciding due to grooming by Archer and her cult.

Satan Hunters react to revelations by going on the attack

It must be noted that even though Satan Hunters often fight and stab each other in the back as they build and defend their individual grifting empires, they all work together in common cause, and can quickly unite, as they have done against Shellie Mote. The initial attacks against Mote have come from Satan Hunters Angela Power Disney (Oldcastle Eire) and Matt Taylor (Brighton UK) backed by elements of the Jeanette Archer cult. The attacks have been intense and focus on the character, religous outlook and child protection work of Shellie Mote; and even try to go after her young child. The false allegations being made against Mote, that this writer won’t repeat, are as usual backed by zero evidence; just Satan Hunters saying anything they like in their video streams. The Satan Hunter Matt Taylor is deep in harassment and stalking territory with his attacks on Mote. Being a fiery and strong character, Mote has met the onslaught with determination and strength; but the attacks are unpleasant in nature.

Are the Archer allegations true?

Only the police can determine if the allegations are true. But, when people think these revelations could be too horrific to be true, one must remember, nobody considered Wilfred Wong would actually kidnap a child, but that is what he did.

Further thoughts on Satan Hunter Nathaniel Harris

The Samantha Baldwin case is yet another false SRA case that I work on protecting victims from Satan Hunters that Nathaniel Harrs has decided to include in his fantasy. Yet another innocent father and their children must suffer abuse at the hands of Nathaniel Harris. The children in the Samantha Baldwin case are not sexual abuse victims; the IOT nor pagans have any connection to that case.

Yesterday, the Satan Hunter Nathaniel Harris retreated from Twitter by deleting two of his many accounts. It is a sad thing that Harris does that he creates Twitter accounts, and has online conversations with himself, whilst harassing his many victims; but then he runs away as soon as people call him out and screenshot evidence for the police and courts. I wanted to deal with a couple of further issues arising from the Harris matter.

Victims don’t have to put up with the harassment of Nathaniel Harris

For more than a decade many victims have suffered at the hands of Nathaniel Harris in silence. Nobody should have to suffer harm to their reputation, life and business because of what is a malicious schoolyard bully with an axe to grind like Nathaniel Harris. The world is changing as the legal authorities and social media wake up to the misery and suffering those like Harris cause by their prolific and obsessional online bullying. Building evidence; putting in complaints to the police, and keeping in regular contact with the police; £500 civil injunction court actions; and reporting to social media: will have an effect of curbing Nathaniel Harris. Doing nothing creates nothing; Harris is hurting children, and for their sake, Harris can be stopped.

Nathaniel Harris has hurt and abused children

It was cruel and unjust of Nathaniel Harris to groom and abuse a young boy with learning difficulties into false Satanic Ritual Abuse claims against those he has a grudge against. The allegations that Harris has tried to make and promote have long been disproven by police, social worker and family court investigations. Harris was abusing that child. Also, when Harris pounces like a vulture on the Hampstead, Wilfred Wong, and Samantha Baldwin cases to promote SRA, he is abusing the fathers and the children in those cases. His malicious promotion of SRA fictions undermines the credibility of real child abuse victims, by directing attention and resources away from real child abuse to fictional abuse. Long before I was public about child abuse done to me, Harris taunted me that I was probably sexually abused by a priest as a choirboy.

On the threats of defamation by Nathaniel Harris

Defamation legal actions are civil rather than criminal court actions. Defamation requires that someone has a reputation to defend, where a value can be placed on that reputation for the purposes of court compensation for loss. Harris has a negative value reputation by reason of his online and real world activities; his reputation has no value. Defamation actions are expensive to run, costing tens of thousands of pounds: Harris is unemployed; has no savings; has no money to run a defamation action. Defamation is also complex in that defendants can use legal defences such as public interest, truth, opinion and justification. Many victims of Harris have a better claim to taking defamation actions against Harris, as their businesses and livelihoods are being impacted by the false content Harris puts on the internet.

On the threats of police action by Nathaniel Harris

The conduct of Nathaniel Harris against many victims over many years is illegal and harmful. The primary defence against harassment complaints is the prevention and investigation of crime. My activity against Harris amounts to prevention and investigation of crime; I mitigate and attempt to stop Harris from hurting victims, of his pursuing harassment and abuse against children and adults through an obsessional and malicious ongoing campaign of terror, including now against the innocent father and children in the Samantha Baldwin case. My activity is reasonable and in the public interest that I put on record an alternative point of view, and challenge, the false and illegal narrative, plus conduct, of Harris against his many victims. I do not use alternative names, but challenge Harris through known social media sites as James Hind. Harris is welcome to send his letter of claim for defamation to my e-mail, and also pass my e-mail to the police to put any matters straight with them about Nathaniel Harris: jameshind @ satanhunter.com. There is more than enough evidence on file amongst his many victims, as well as witnesses, to back up my legal positions in the matter of Nathaniel Harris.

On Harris and his religion

Despite all the years I have had to deal with Harris, I am personally confused as to what his religious stance is. Harris seems to have rejected and attacked nearly all the alternative religions that he has dabbled in, but pursues a process of promoting SRA narratives that is generally the exclusive area of Christian outlooks. The alternative worldviews such as Wicca, Chaos Magick and Thelema does require a high degree of maturity and discipline to progress in; which in my opinion Harris lacks. It is my opinion that Harris is a closet Christian, and perhaps should come out of that closet and pursue the Christian path, which is a less demanding path than alternative religions. Harris in my opinion is caught in a trap of religions he is clearly unhappy in, and for his own wellbeing, and that of others, he might be best off changing to a different religion such as Christianity.

Harris has choices to make

It is over for Harris: at least some of the victims of Harris have said enough is enough; with more victims realising that they have options and rights in civil and criminal law to put an end to the terror that Harris has waged upon them and their families. The new UK online safety legislation will be in place within two years, giving victims even more rights against Harris. Nathaniel Harris has choices to make now he is aged 50+, with his opportunities diminishing with age; it is time to grow up and do something positive with his life, or face sectioning or prison. Harris will no longer be able to wage another ten years of harassment and misery on named victims; and I will always be there to call him out. My online content will remain online for years, even decades, so if it is the intention of Harris only to have an online record of being a discredited abusive malcontent, then that is what he will become.

On the Satan Hunter Nathaniel Harris

Nathaniel Harris is a vile obsessive Satan Hunter with many victims to his name.

Satan Hunter Nathaniel Harris, a resident in the Bristol area of the UK, has recently had a surge of activity on social media where he is harassing and abusing many people with unfounded allegations of Satanic Ritual Abuse. An obsessive fantasist, Harris has also played the victim card, claiming he has gone to the police for harassment and is about to take court action against named people. This writer suspects the surge of activity by Harris reflects that Harris has had an adverse result in a civil court action against him by one of his many victims. This writer needs to address some of the points made by Harris in his latest wave of dishonesty, threat and fiction.

Who is Nathaniel Harris?

Nathaniel Harris is unusual in that he comes from a pagan and occult background, but he promotes Satanic Panic narratives that a “Satanic” section of UK are torturing, raping, murdering and eating children. Harris claims entire alternative religious communities such as Wicca, Druids, Chaos Magicians, Occultists, Pagans and Satanists are raping and killing children. Short of declaring himself as a fundamentalist Christian, Harris has been very enthusiastic in the witch hunting sense of trying to defame and destroy entire alternative religions and their leading names with dishonest false allegation making, with no evidence to back those claims up. Most of the “Christian” Satan Hunters tolerate Harris, and give him a platform to do his Satan Hunting against the innocent.

Harris is best described as a dabbler in the occult, a largely failed writer on occult themes whose books are mostly self-published, that reviewers consider as kindergarten and amateurish. Aged 50+ Harris has been unable to turn decades of involvement in the occult and witch scene into anything tangible. He is largely seen as a malcontent; an outcast subject to contempt and ridicule by his peers and entire communities. Harris has an axe to grind, and he pursues a vindictive campaign of revenge against targets using SRA as a tool to harass, defame and abuse; causing untold misery for many innocent people.

Many consider that Harris has mental health problems, although like most Satan Hunters, he has a personality disorder that gives him a false sense of entitlement and gross narcissism. Appearing in a documentary in his 20’s about witches, scenes where he claimed to have caused a child to fall down the stairs through his cursing them, and where he participated in a ritual to curse all his enemies, it largely sums up the personality of an individual who has problems in his relationships; and is unemployable.

Claiming to never have been a victim of SRA himself, Harris groomed and abused a boy to make SRA allegations against everyone Harris had fallen out with. Even if anyone did not know the case, the fact that neighbours, former male and female lovers, family, publishers, leading names in different religious outlooks, all happened to be part of the “cult”, and all happened to have fallen out with Harris, was a red flag that something was not right with the Harris story. Police investigations, social worker investigations, and a family court hearing that went into the Harris claims in detail, found them to be dishonest fictions. Harris was found to be an unfit and abusive person to be looking after a child, and lost custody, the second child he lost custody of as an unfit parent.

Harris has no connection to the Kidwelly Cult

The Kidwelly Cult was a small group of pagans convicted of sex abuse against children, a cult run by one self-proclaimed guru called Colin Batley. The Kidwelly Cult has become the heavily promoted case by Satan Hunters that SRA is going on in alternative religions such as Paganism. Nathaniel Harris has gone a step further by planting himself, a boy with learning difficulties, and all the victims he has a grudge against, into the Kidwelly Cult narrative; that all parties are involved in the Cult. This is a fantasy of Harris, since he has never offered evidence to link anyone he names with the Kidwelly Cult. The only one found to be an abuser of children is Harris. It also must be noted that sex abuse of children can go on in any situation or religion, and the isolated Kidwelly Cult does not automatically indicate that an entire set of alternative religions are dedicated to the sex abuse of children, as Harris likes to infer.

Harris and the Order of Nine Angles

Harris has recently tried to twist a new narrative that the terrorist Order of Nine Angles is connected to all those he falsely named as connected to the Kidwelly Cult. The truth is that when Harris claimed I was JV, members of the ONA who had an issue with me approached JV asking if he was me. Harris dishonestly and maliciously manipulated the ONA into believing that JV was me in the hope they would hurt JV. The ploy backfired, as the ONA dislikes being manipulated, and made threats that Harris would be their sacrificial victim (opfer). Harris has a connection to the ONA by reason that he was a mentor to Michael Ford, an individual who became a leading figure in the ONA, before eventually disowning them for their nazi views.

On Harris claims of police and legal threats against victims

The victims of Harris have suffered ten years of harassment, defamation and abuse against them: individuals and businesses. The false allegations Harris has made is of the worst kind, that the victims are raping and murdering children. In society, such allegations, can destroy the lives of people, can get them killed. It is a wonder why the UK legal authorities have not arrested and prosecuted Harris for these type of allegation making. The victims have correctly reported Harris to the police, and have even in one case run a civil court action against him. The victims have been disciplined in not falling to the level of Harris, but occasionally have issued statements putting the record straight. The pubic threats of police and legal action against the victims by Harris is just another harassing tactic he uses. The police do not investigate defamation, and Harris has no money to bring a defamation action. The police generally are only interested in harassment where there is hate crimes or threats made, since they can use malicious communication and hate crime legislation in addition to harassment legislation to pass on to the CPS to bring charges. It is difficult to build a case when the person claiming harassment is at the same time pursuing a conduct against people that is harassing.

My role against Harris

I became involved against Nathaniel Harris when he was promoting the Hampstead SRA Hoax. It was only later that I discovered that Harris had been abusing a child in his own care; but also the astonishing number of victims and length of time they had suffered at the hands of Harris through his false allegation making of SRA. Harris would later evolve his dishonest narrative to claim I was various people such as JV, and that I was raping and murdering children as part of his fictional Kidwelly Cult narrative. I am none of the people Harris claims I am, nor have I ever met them in real life; and my online communications with some of them is very limited. My role against Harris is for the prevention and investiagtion of crime; but also includes public interest, fair comment, justification and truth : all legal defences in harassment complaints. I can back anything I say with evidence, unlike Harris. Whilst I fully appreciate that many victims of Harris suffer in silence; my role includes offering a public alternative point of view to the world to the false one given by Harris to mitigate, and even put an end, to the malicious ongoing harassment against victims, including, children by Harris. My stance has always been that victims of Harris keep going to the police, and consider taking out a civil court injunction against Harris (cost approx £500). Meanwhile, I will be very public and assertive in challenging the illegal and dishonest conduct of Harris.

Satan Hunters turn sinister

Satan Hunter Jeanette Archer (in red t-shirt) runs a death-doomsday cult, which, if the experience of other cults go, will end in murder or mass suicides.

A year ago, Satan Hunters, those QAnon-types who claim Satanists eat babies, kidnapped a child in Wales, UK. Until that point, the leading figure of the child kidnappers, Wilfred Wong, was treated as something of a demented clown, who appeared on various conspiracy fringe YouTube platforms such as Shaun Attwood. It was a shock to this writer that the clown turned into a child kidnapper, and a real child suffered harm as a result.

This is the problem with clowns, fools and buffoons, people think they are harmless eccentrics, until they kidnap and murder people. Most Satan Hunters have this teflon quality about them, that the UK legal authorities treats them as annoying eccentrics, and will fail to address the serious threat to society, the vulnerable and children these Satan Hunters pose, until something bad happens. A score of complaints have gone in against the Satan Hunter Jeanette Archer to the UK legal authorities, but despite the serious nature of her words and deeds, nothing is done about a person who is seen as eccentric for claiming the Queen turns into a lizard, and claimed in public that the UK Prime Minister Johnson drinks baby blood.

Matt Taylor is now involved with terrorist network Order of Nine Angles, making threats on their behalf

Matt Taylor is a Brighton-based Satan Hunter, who runs dozens of social media accounts such as blogs, where he makes the lives of many people a misery. Taylor comes over as some crazy nutjob, a surreal experience out of a feverish nightmare, whose head seems too big to fit on the internet screen, as it indulges the viewer in an orgy of insanity. With the psychotic grin of a Cheshire Cat, Taylor tells his audience of his adventures: in being investigated for indecent images of children; of showing random boys in woodlands beheading videos; and most recently, his foray into beastiality. Taylor brings his insanity to politics, standing as an MP in national elections promising to build an island off Brighton and a base on the Moon; but at the same time, banned from local elections for harm done to innocent people that earned him a suspended prison term.

Matt Taylor’s desire for attention, sensation and power has resulted in his experimentation with Satanism. Taylor initially associated himself with The Satanic Temple, one of the first Satan Hunters I know of who actually made an effort to get to know about the Satanist religion; even announcing he would stand for The Satanic Temple in the UK national elections. Taylor found The Satanic Temple to be too moderate for his tastes, but then discovered the Order of Nine Angles, which appealed to his psychotic power hungry inclinations. The (ONA / O9A) was once seen as clownish; hungry for notability, when it chased after academics to give them publicity, but have now transformed into a network of murderers, terrorists and child abusers. The ONA now have a constant stream of notability in the media for arrests, murders, child sex abuse crimes and terrorism. Taylor has found a new love interest in the ONA: promotes them; engages with them; and defends them. Taylor threatens this writer that the ONA are unhappy with this writer, although the ONA have never been happy with this writer for years. Both Matt Taylor and the ONA are dangerous crazies, but the UK legal authorities suffer an inertia to act against them.

Jeanette Archer runs a doomsday-death cult that will one day end in tragedy

Jeanette Archer leads a doomsday-death cult around QAnon-inspired ideas. The cult numbers a thousand members, heavily controlled and monitored by Archer and her network of security. Archer talks about burning schools down, of kidnapping children and destroying the UK State. The security that Archer surrounds herself with have a love of guns, of militia, spying and taking down the State. The security make death threats, and are used like a hammer by Archer to silence her critics and enemies. Archer and her shady ally Jon Wedger, are supporters of child kidnapper Wilfred Wong. Archer and Wedger encourages vulnerable child abuse victims and those in child custody disputes that they are victims of Satanic Ritual Abuse, and two people have said Archer encourages such victims to kill themselves to further her own ends. The Archer cult reminds this writer of Heavens Gate and the Jonestown Massacre, cults that ordered their followers to kill themselves to enjoy a false paradise. This writer has lost count of the number of referrals of Archer and her cult to the UK legal authorities, all which seemingly has fallen on deaf ears.

A witness against Jon Wedger – Jeanette Archer “cult” network goes missing

“Lester” is a witness in the trial of child kidnapper Wilfred Wong, that resulted in heavy prison sentences for the kidnappers. “Lester” is currently missing, his car is in the hands of supporters of Wilfred Wong. “Lester” has been reported to the police as a missing person by his ally and a critic of Satan Hunters Shellie Mote. It is a sinister development that a Satan Hunter loyal to Wilfred Wong, Jon Wedger and Jeanette Archer happens to have the car of a missing person who did damage to their network. Ann Drogyne, a critic of Wedger, says in reply to a post about the missing “Lester”:

I’m telling you, some day there will be a disaster connected to that crank Wedger.

Ann Drogyne. Twitter, 12th Nov 2021

Drogyne is right, the Satan Hunters are all cranks, weirdos, eccentrics and mad; and he is also right that Satan Hunters will result in a disaster for someone – kidnap; terrorism; suicide; death. In the case of “crank” Wilfred Wong, a child has already been kidnapped, and someone has died by suicide. The problem here is the legal authorities do nothing, since to them the Satan Hunters are just cranks; meanwhile, the Satan Hunters have become more sinister and darker, and further tragedies are only a few steps away from reality.

New direction against Satan Hunters

Satan Hunters gain their power through social media. I am changing direction to focus on technological solutions that will prevent what happened to Child A in the Wilfred Wong child kidnapping case and what happened to the Hampstead children. My work will deal more with information and technology rather than with “people”. I will focus more time on gathering information, and presenting this information in a useful way to the legal authorities on the Satan Hunters. I will be spending time on developing satanhunter.com. I will be working on technological solutions to protect children, and giving control of personal information to the user rather than the social media companies (ending their business models).

Today marks a year since Wilfred Wong and his fellow gang of Satan Hunters kidnapped a child in Wales. This unfortunate anniversary marks a change of direction for me in my fight against the Satan Hunters.

I feel like I am on a hamster wheel

It feels like I am running on a hamster wheel at times when trying to protect children from Satan Hunters; those fraudsters who promote Satanic Panic for money, power, revenge, fame and ideology. One Satan Hunter goes to jail, another Satan Hunter appears. Each Satan Hunter takes an enormous amount of resources of time, money and energy to deal with; where the activist challenging Satan Hunters is always at risk of harm or legal conflict themselves from their efforts to curb the Satan Hunter. And, there are the Satan Hunters who will come out of jail, such as the rumour of Sabine McNeill later this month, who will repeat what they did before. There are serial Satan Hunters such as Angela Power Disney, apparently untouchable, who jumps from one child victim to another, with now three more vulnerable distressed families she is preying on. As it stands, the Satan Hunters keep on coming, and the list of child victims keeps on growing.

Satan Hunters prey on adults and children

As well as the child victims, the Satan Hunters will prey on adult sex abuse victims, the mentally ill or those made vulnerable by other circumstance; who are groomed and manipulated by entire networks of Satan Hunters such as the cultish one run by Jeanette Archer. These adult victims come to the table with complex needs, made worse by the impacts of Satan Hunter manipulations. The list of these type of victims are expanding at a fast rate, due to the easy access to them by highly dishonest and manipulative networks that include churches and therapists, that recruit them, use them and spew them out in a broken heap when they are finished with them.

A desire to come off the hamster wheel

I personally have no desire to be on a hamster wheel for the rest of my life in fighting Satan Hunters and their paedophile friends; as I have a vision to end the reign of terror of these Satan Hunters on a more permanent basis. I also have no desire to be drawn into the politics and relationship conflicts various fellow activists have with each other, which has plagued me during 2021.

My successes in information gathering and reporting

My strongest successes in 2021 against the Satan Hunters has been in information gathering, then presenting that information in a manner that is useful to the police and courts to act upon. I have played my part in the chain of action that has resulted in the legal authorities taking action against Satan Hunters. I have also successfully provided a reporting function about Satan Hunters and their activities, that people have found useful on social media. These are two areas I want to focus upon going into 2022.

The need to develop a quality internet site on Satan Hunters

Repeatedly, people come to me, including journalists, for quality information about the Satan Hunters, as the information is scattered and confusing across the internet. Having a quality source of information on Satan Hunters is a vital tool in the war against Satan Hunters, which I want to develop through satanhunter.com. This internet site is something I want to focus upon over the next few years. I can do the SEO to make sure the search engines make this site the key site for anything related to the Satan Hunters and the cases I focus upon.

Satan Hunters get their power through social media

The power of the Satan Hunters is because of social media. The social media companies have allowed the Satan Hunters to build networks and a platform for themselves to hurt children. Wilfred Wong was motivated to kidnap a child because he was encouraged in his delusions by podcasters such as Shaun Attwood and Jon Wedger giving him a voice; Wong was backed by a huge network of people through the power of social media. The lives of the Hampstead children were ruined by the sharing of their names, faces, video and intimate medical reports amongst a million people via social media. Constant attempts have been made to do to Child A in the Wilfred Wong case what has been done to the Hampstead children. Satan Hunters such as Becki Percy, Nathaniel Harris and Matt Taylor have made life a misery for years for countless victims via social media. Social media companies have encouraged the Satan Hunters in their abusive actions, and failed to address the distress of the victims such as Child A and the Hampstead children, even when reports were made; for example, about Eire-based Satan Hunter Angela Power Disney. The social media companies will have to be transformed or destroyed.

My new focus on technological solutions to protect children

I have ideas of technological innovations that I would like to pursue to address the problems of how the internet allows the Satan Hunters and the paedophiles to harm children. For instance, how a photo of the Hampstead children can remain under their full control by a type of tagging, with all unauthorised copies destroyed. Another example, how the activities of children can be monitored 24/7 by AI, who can spot harmful activity such as by paedophiles, and instantly take action to curb the activity. In the same way as images are tagged, to have a user tagged, so an AI can make a child invisible to adults outside of their real life activities; so an adult in Iran could not get access to a child unknown to them in their bedroom in Scotland. A fight for control of personal information with the social media companies, giving 100% control to the user, ending the current business models of social media companies that require control of user information in order to earn advertising revenue. These innovations require a type of AI that I have in mind of creating.

These are the new directions I am heading in. It is pure information and systems research, design and execution. “People” stuff is what I am taking a step back from; I am looking to a more intellectual approach to fighting Satan Hunters; and AI will have a lot to do with that.