
1. My views, my blog.

These are my independent views as I see it.  I have no need for approval, or to be judged or to be validated.  If my views upset you, tough, my views, my blog, go and create your own blog if you have a problem with me.


I exercise the right to be a censoring tyrant, so if I do not like your comment I will delete it. I like quality comments that add to the context of the post, I have zero tolerance with off-topic comments.

3. Copyright.

I exercise my right to be associated with what I write.  If you want to use any of my material, go right ahead, but credit me as the source. Thank you!

4. Christians etal.

Please keep your religious selling at the door, this is an evangelism-free zone.

5. Death Threats etc.

I upset people, and I get all manner of death threats and other nasties.  I don’t care.

6. Racism and Murder

If you are one of those who as an individual or a group encourage racism or murder, your comments will be deleted.

7. I like turtles.

Random, I know.

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