The era of false allegation making ends in the UK

What a happy and healthy face false allegation maker Becki Percy has in all these photos, you would not think she had been raped and tortured by dozens of paedophiles hundreds of times for years – because it never happened.

For many years, false allegation makers have enjoyed profit, fame and success at the expense of the innocent by claiming elites and Satanists have been raping and killing children on an industrial scale, where the false allegation maker by some quirk of luck emerges alive and unharmed to tell the world of their experiences in graphic and horrific detail.

July 2019 might signal the turning point in the UK at least, where the false allegation making era comes to an end.  It will now be the case that the police will take an objective point of view whilst investigating claims of child abuse and rape rather than taking such claims at face value. False allegation makers have enjoyed relative safety of anonymity and support whilst making claims without evidence against innocent people, shattering lives, families and reputations, and in some cases causing their victims to commit suicide.

A major allegation maker known as Carl Beech was jailed 18 years in the UK last week for fraud and perverting the course of justice after his false allegations against named politicians, celebrities, army generals and spy masters was proven false, wasting millions of pounds of police and legal resources investigating those claims.  Beech played upon the narrative of elite paedophile rings torturing, raping and killing children, where Beech was the hero at the centre of his story, by some miracle showing no signs of the graphic injuries he suffered from rape and torture despite an intensive medical examination by doctors.  Neither did any of the children he claimed were killed exist. Many innocent lives were ruined by Beech, who was found to be a paedophile himself with indecent images on his computers and had filmed a boy using the toilet in his house, which he blamed upon his son.  For many years Beech enjoyed the attention, fame and love from well meaning people, financial compensation and a role as a child abuse advocate based upon his fictions.  After a three month trial Beech’s claims were proven false, and questions were raised why the police had failed to do the basic checks that would have revealed the falseness of the allegations of Beech early on.

This week the infamous Satan Hunter Sabine McNeill behind the Hampstead Satanic Ritual Abuse Hoax lost her appeal in the courts against her nine year jail term.  McNeill was the leading promoter of the hoax who allowed videos to be released onto the internet causing innocent children and their families five years of hell.  McNeill and her supporters played upon the narrative of a Satanic cult raping and murdering children on an industrial scale in the community and schools of Hampstead London.  Even five years later, the Hampstead hoax heads into a new cycle of relentless persecution of the innocent by a horde of internet vigilantes based around the world leading to more arrests and sectionings into mental institutions of false allegation makers.

A third leading British false allegation maker known as Becki Percy is feeling the heat as her five year reign of terror against the innocent in Hull UK moves to its conclusion.  Becki Percy at the age of 23 built a personal brand from allegation making claiming members of her own family led a Satanic ring in the city of Hull that raped and killed thousands of children in Satanic rituals.  Percy was offered the opportunity to escape to the USA claiming she would be sacrificed at the age of 19 by her family.  Claiming political asylum Becki Percy has been staying in the USA since 2014 enjoying financial and personal support from well meaning but deluded conservative right-leaning Christians who believe her Satanic child abuse fictions without question.  From the safety of the USA Percy has waged a relentless war of allegation making against her family and other innocent targets without evidence.  Percy last week was forced to move back to California from Texas as her final appeal hearing in California against deportation back to the UK, thought to be happening around October 2019, gets ever closer.

As a child abuse victim it is important to me that Becki Percy is investigated and is made to answer for her allegation making.  It is horrible to have to sit in a room with police officers on video relating child abuse, but have to feel anxiety about being believed, because those like Becki Percy has undermined belief in victims of child abuse.  Not only that, false allegation makers like Becki Percy, Carl Beech and Sabine McNeill has made a mockery and diminished the horror and credibility of real victims of child abuse, with sensational unbelievable claims without evidence, wasting millions of pounds of police and child protection resources that could have helped real victims of child abuse.

Last week a friend of mine disclosed to me how aged nine a cousin had raped them multiple times, that when they go to the toilet they have to remember what was done to them because of the anal injuries.  It is amazing to me that false allegation makers such as Becki Percy and Carl Beech can relate how they were raped multiple times and have no observable psychological injuries, nor seem to show any hint of the destruction to their anal and reproductive parts that such savage multiple rapes cause.  And what is amazing is that those who support or act upon the claims of these false allegation makers have no understanding of the simple biological facts of what multiple rape does to the human body to grasp that these healthy and psychologically intact specimens of humanity might be not what they seem.  And for Becki Percy to claim that her expensive Plexus health products can magic away the horror of child abuse seriously takes the piss out of child abuse victims.

Becki Percy and her supporters will have to understand that I feel very angry and focused to bring her reign of false allegation making to an end, and I will do everything in my power to make that happen.