Becki Percy is Britain’s responsibility

becki percy obsessed with money and fameBecki Percy who tweets on Twitter under @becki_p20, has claimed political asylum to the USA claiming that the UK is unable to protect her from mum and dad who she has been waging a war of terror upon for over five years falsely claiming they murder and rape thousands of children in Hull UK.  A number of people have said let USA have Percy, and good riddance to her.

I would agree that if Becki Percy was a US citizen, then good riddance. And, if Percy had citizenship of both UK and the USA, I would be the first to be knocking at the door of the Home Office in the UK to ask them to cancel Percy’s UK citizenship.  However, Percy is a British citizen, and she is our crap to deal with.

Becki Percy has two goals in life: fame and money; and every person and event is an opportunity to Percy to use and abuse towards those ends.  Becki Percy along the way  has ruined lives and destroyed families, a manipulative deceitful creature building a group of disciples to the worhsip of her own vanity she calls Team Becki.

Something about the religion of Christians in America make them especially vulnerable to the evil influence of Becki Percy, in that they seem unable to differentiate what is healthy and good from the vile parasitic falsehood makers like Percy.   Neither is the American justice system effective in dealing with liars like Becki Percy who wipes out families and lives without any comeback.  This is why Becki Percy has to be kicked back home to Britain where we can deal with her properly to end her frauds and fantasy fictions.

Back in Britain, we can pull Percy into a police station to interview in detail about what she claims happened to her and the alleged thousands of child victims in Hull UK.  It sickens me knowing that Percy has made all these claims about raped and murdered children, that she has the guile to say she cares about children when she has done f*ck all to help those alleged victims in Hull, and in her own words contributed to disposing of the bodies of dead children, a crime that comes with a life jail penalty in the UK.

If Becki Percy pursues her false allegations against named people, the UK has laws such as malicious communication and harrassment, each with jail penalties.  We can create court orders that limits what Becki Percy can say and do on the internet, even ban her internet use.  If Becki Percy makes fake claims about Plexus in the UK, she can be hit with trading standards laws, and if she makes go-fund campaigns based upon her fake claims, she can be done for fraud.  The real mum and dad of Percy have legal powers to have Becki Percy sectioned in a mental hospital, which I think is necessary when she returns to the UK.

My concern is that when Becki Percy is deported back to the UK, she will pass through customs without police questioning her.  Also, that some of the fanatical followers of Becki Percy might follow Percy back to the UK, and then do harm to the named victims Becki Percy made false allegations against.  Contact will be made with the police again, and potentially, a criminal complaint against Percy based upon her claim of disposing of the bodies of dead children, a crime she admits.

About Becki Percy the female UK Carl Beech

becki percy
Becki Percy continues to make false allegations of child rape and murder against innocent people without evidence.

Becki Percy is the UK female equivalent of Carl Beech, alleging fantastic stories of child rape and murder by a sinister organised cult of paedophiles based in Hull UK.  Aged 23, Becki Percy has built a personal brand around her narrative of being an escaped “survivor” of a cult that raped and tortured her multiple times in a Satanic setting in Hull, through which she then sells various products and services, whilst earning tens of thousands of dollars of donations from gullible internet followers who believe her stories.

What is Becki Percy claiming?

Percy claims that a Satanic cult exists in Hull run by her family, which has raped and  murdered thousands of children in that UK city.  Percy claims she was sexually abused from the age of four, passed around dozens of men who tortured and gang raped her.  Percy alleges the cult worships Molech and participates in hunts at night in a woodland in Hull, hunting, raping and murdering children in ritualistic orgies to which she participated in.  Percy says she was witness to multiple murders and rapes of children, including her own sister, and was made pregnant multiple times.  Percy claimed she would be sacrificed at the age of 19, fled to the USA, and claimed political asylum.

Has the police investigated the claims of Becki Percy?

Percy made a series of claims against named individuals from her middle teens of sexual abuse against her, these were investigated by the police and social workers, who found no evidence to support those allegations.  Percy says that social workers considered her a serial false allegation maker.  The allegations of an industrial scale Satanic cult in Hull are new allegations that Percy made since coming to the USA in 2014, which she has never passed on to the police, nor is she motivated to do so.  During her court appearances claiming political asylum in the USA, Percy was unable to provide evidence in support of her allegations.  Concerned individuals have contacted the UK police about her allegations of rape and murder of children in the UK, however, Percy refuses to contact the police with her evidence.

Does Percy show any evidence of being abused?

Some believe that Percy might have been sexually abused, however, they are unable to separate fact from the fictions Percy has told them.  Percy possibly has Lupus, an eating disorder and anxiety, but shows no outward signs of PTSD or scars that would be expected from someone claiming the sort of torture, rape and traumatic experiences she claims to have suffered.  In all her videos Percy seems remarkably healthy and mentally stable for someone who claims horrific abuse.  Percy has never supplied photographic evidence or medical reports to her internet followers, or to those closer to her, to support her claims of torture and rape, which would have left substantial signs on her body.

What is the current situation for Becki Percy?

Percy now lives in California as she awaits the date of her appeal against deportation back to the UK in the Ninth District Appeals Courts.  Percy says such an appeal will happen in September or October 2019, and is attempting to raise funds as well as find an attorney to represent her in the court hearing.  Percy is focussed on multiple schemes to make money including selling health products, dog sitting and asking for donations through Go-Fund.  Percy benefits from a chaotic and slow immigration system in the USA that has allowed her to play the system since 2014 to stay in the USA supported by supporters she calls “Team Becki”.  Most, including Percy, expects she will lose her appeal court hearing, although this might not mean she will be deported due to the changing situation on immigration in the USA.

How strong is the support for Becki Percy?

Percy relies on the Trump leaning evangelical right for her support.  She is considered by those who have been close to her as being clever, deceitful, manipulative and controlling, able to leverage opportunities that meets her personal goals.  Outside of her Trump-supporting niche Percy does not have much support, especially from survivors of child abuse.  Even amongst her Trump supporting niche, Percy has been losing support as people begin to raise questions about her claims and obsession with money.

What about the alleged raped and murdered children in Hull?

Despite claiming many children are being raped and murdered by the alleged Satanic cult in Hull UK by Percy, she does not give much focus or priority to them in her internet postings.  Percy prefers to block and threaten those who ask her about going to the police or what she is doing to stop the abuse and murder of children by the alleged cult.  Percy prefers to instead focus on promoting her business services and products, ask for donations, mentions her crafts and her dog.  People may draw their own conclusions when a pet dog takes priority over thousands of alleged raped and murdered Hull children in the internet postings of Percy.  Efforts to contact media, police, social workers, paedophile hunters and others in the Hull area to look into the claims of Percy has been met with disbelief in her claims, and there is no evidence of missing children on the scale Percy claims for that area.

Is there any evidence to support the allegations of Becki Percy?

There is none.

What will happen if Becki Percy is deported from the USA?

Percy attempted to enter the USA on a tourist visa with the intention of staying on a permanent basis.  If Percy does not leave the USA willingly, and is deported, she will be unable to return for at least ten years, if indeed ever.  Percy does not have the support in the UK that she does in the USA and will find it harder to parasite on other people’s charity and goodwill.  Percy does not have a support structure outside of her real family she accuses of being rapists and murderers.  Critics of Percy are demanding the police investigate her claims when she comes back to the UK, with some considering making criminal complaints against her.  Percy would not be able to continue to sustain claims that she has been making without evidence when she is back in the UK without facing substantial jail time for malicious communication, fraud and harrassment.  All parties in this matter desire closure on a long running and harmful false narrative that hurts both the victims of false allegation making, but also the true victims of child abuse.

On empathy and the predator Becki Percy

becki percy
As I looked into the dead cold eyes of Becki Percy as she spoke in her videos, I was afraid.

Empathy is the capacity to experience from the point of view of another person, their feelings, thinking and situation.  From empathy comes compassion where empathic people can work to alleviate the suffering of other human beings.  Those that lack empathy, regardless of why, are capable of the greatest evil against other living things.

Can you spot a predator?

As an individual who has suffered at the hands of those lacking empathy, I am constantly scanning my surroundings for danger looking for those without empathy who might harm me.  Out of a need for survival I have become good at spotting the predator, the one lacking empathy, and I keep my distance from them.

Look into their eyes

One way of spotting those lacking empathy is to look into their eyes.  Most small children have innocent wide eyes full of feeling, absorbing through their senses and feelings in their bodies the experiences of the world they are growing in.  Teenagers still have the eyes of trusting small children, but have a reflective quality as they think about what they experience.  Adults mostly have harder eyes as the more intellectual elements of their brain dominate their feeling side.  However, the predators, those lacking empathy, I see the chill deadness behind their eyes, the indicator they feel nothing in their bodies, which is how empathy first emerges.  My eyes, despite my masks, hide eyes with feelings, and so people quickly trust me, forget their surroundings, and disclose secrets and more horrible things, because they feel secure with me to do so.

Those lacking empathy have unlimited capacity for evil

Those who drown puppies, rape babies or send millions to death camps all share the same common quality, zero empathy, and society judges those individuals based upon how far they have gone in their cruel deeds against human beings, animals and this planet.  Such hollow-hearted people lacking empathy are capable of any evil, limited only by their power, goals and beliefs.  Those lacking empathy start small, perhaps mutilating butterflies, then evolve unless challenged in this process, to raping and killing dozens of children.

I looked into the eyes of Becki Percy, it scared me

I have looked into the dead eyes of Becki Percy in her videos, and she scares me.  Becki Percy has the same lack of empathy as the paedophiles who rape babies.  Percy may not be raping and killing babies, but she has gone down a different path of using allegation making of rape and murder of babies as a tool without any concern for the impact it inflicts upon the innocent she uses it against.  The gain of power, money and fame is small, but enough for Becki Percy to ruin a family or life with a false allegation, which is the problem of those lacking empathy, they wield their tools of power with no sense of proportion, wiping out lives for little rewards.

Woe to those who allow Becki Percy into their lives

Knowing the sort of person Becki Percy is, she frightens me.  Woe to anyone who enters into a relationship with Percy, employs her, or allows her into their family.  Becki Percy will destroy people without a second thought, and for petty personal gains. When the UK social workers was forced to put Becki Percy into care as a result of her false allegation making, she was placed with a foster family.  The foster family was a young couple with a baby who through their empathy wanted to give a child in care a chance of a loving family, and they allowed Becki Percy into their lives.  Becki Percy took a dislike to the father in that foster family and made sex abuse allegations against him, the latest victim of many who had come into contact with Percy, who had become experienced in leveraging small personal gains from allegation making.  Like her previous allegations, the new allegations were investigated by police and social workers, and no evidence was found to support them.  The false allegation making by Becki Percy could have shattered the life of an innocent man, wiped out a family, and done untold damage to the baby denied a loving secure family.  No doubt the care system lost a caring foster family too frightened to care for another foster child again, thanks to Percy.

Becki Percy has harmed many families with false allegations

Becki Percy without any empathy for the harm she does to others with her false allegation making has harmed two, perhaps more families, of her immediate real family with allegations against multiple named people.  Percy has harmed a foster family who took her into their lives.  Percy damaged a family who supported her in California, putting a child in danger.  Then Percy wiped out the marriage and home of a Texan family.  Such is her callous disregard for others in her allegation making, it has become routine to accuse others of sex crimes against children without a shred of evidence, for instance the US public figure John Podesta for political reasons to win favour with her Trump supporting Christian fan base.

Becki Percy is charming, deceitful and manipulative to those she grooms

Becki Percy, like the paedophiles she claims to oppose, has the gift of being charming, grooming her targets in a deceitful and manipulative way towards her own ends.  Does Becki Percy care about sexually abused children? No.  Is Becki Percy really a supportive Trump girl? No.  Does Becki Percy love and follow Jesus? No.  Like paedophiles, these are covers to build trust in a target, then like baby rapists, Becki Percy abuses the trusting victims for her own ends.

Look into the eyes of Becki Percy as she speaks

Go to one of the videos of Becki Percy on YouTube, look into her eyes as she speaks.  Perhaps you will see what I mean about the cold dead eyes of a predator, and perhaps that will bring a chill down your spine of the harm such an individual could do to you and your family.