On the Ruler and the Ruled

Since civilization was invented one fact is always true, that there is a class of people that rule and a class of people who are the ruled. This is true of every nation, empire and system that has ever existed: past, present and future. If it is capitalist or communist, a class of ruler and ruled will emerge. In the UK we call our rulers the Establishment.

Rulers have a sense or attitude that they are the rulers

The rulers do not have to be rich, famous or powerful, it is more an attitude or worldview they are born into, an existential experience, sense and understanding of who and what they are as opposed to what the ruled class are, in the same way a cat knows they are a cat and their relationship to the mouse. The rulers are born to the sense they are the rulers, and they flock together and support each other in their collective sense of who they are. They know how to wield power and control, even the lowest ranked of them, because it comes to them by instinct; and their attitude and superiority of knowing what they are as opposed to the inferior status of the ruled marks them out to their class.

The ruler and the ruled are born to their position and cannot by choice or design become part of the other

The ruler and the ruled are born to their position, none can rise or fall by choice or design to the class of the other, this is a fixed state as much as the moon and sun rises and falls since the human race first walked the earth. Even amongst the religious extremists who I oppose, known as Satan Hunters, for they promote false narratives that an innocent target group harm children for Satan, have those who are rulers and ruled amongst them. The leading Satan Hunter in the UK called Jeanette Archer is ruled, but her right-hand called Alison Hocking is a ruler. The child kidnapper Wilfred Wong is a ruler, and his supporter and former policeman Jon Wedger is ruled. The two architects of the Hampstead Satanic Hoax include Belinda McKenzie (ruler) and Sabine McNeill (ruled). Hocking, Wong, and McKenzie are people of influence on others because they come to the table knowing their sense of being part of the Establishment. Archer may seem to be in charge, but she is a face influenced by others such as Hocking.

People fail in life by not understanding and playing within the ruler-ruled system

Knowing who is the ruler and the ruled, and playing according to the rules of this system, can save a lot of problems for the ruled. Both Satan Hunters Matthew Taylor of Brighton and Nathaniel Harris of Bristol are limited in their employability and inability to rise above their poverty and failings in life because they conflict too much with the Establishment. Taylor dreams of a Saudi Arabian prince giving him £21 billion for his business, but the same Taylor wants to replace King Charles III with a member of the ruled called John Wanoa, which dooms him from ever getting that £21billion, for Saudi and UK royalty look after their own class. Taylor dreams of being elected to political office, but the Establishment will see to it that he never gets voted in, and he is currently banned from standing even as a councillor in Brighton. Taylor also dreams of getting a slice of £6 billion inheritance of his current girlfriend’s parents estate, but the Establishment will see to it that this is taken off him; and Taylor has no financial sense so he will quickly squander and lose what wealth comes to him.

An example of a ruler: Jamie Lofthouse

An individual I am currently in conflict with known as Jamie Lofthouse is a member of the Establishment. Lofthouse befriended me and played at being an activist against Satan Hunters for a while. The lofty attitude (excuse the pun) of Lofthouse towards me and others (ruled) was on full display: in how he manipulated and played mind games; how he ordered rather and than advised us on things; how his social media displayed entitlement and authority on how he recommended products and his position on a variety of social and political positions. The arrogance and superiority of Lofthouse, which is how it is with members of the Establishment, did not endear him much to the ruled such as me. Lofthouse is something of a playboy, living a life of fun, holidays and parties; his attitude towards the ruled on full display in recent weeks when he reminded us in the UK of rain and cold, whilst taunting the people in “blighty” (UK) with mentions on his social media of the sun and fun he was enjoying in his three week holiday in Cyprus.

I am part of a sub-class of of the ruled: Left Hand Path

Amongst the ruled is a sub-class of people who recognise they are part of the system of the ruler-ruled, but whilst living within that system, choose a lifestyle for themselves of their own making. These people include the pirates, outlaws, highwaymen and those of the Left Hand Path. As longs as we do not antagonise the Establishment too much, they let us be, but they hang us if we stray too far and upset them. We come to some influence, wealth and power because we are useful to the Establishment, they suffer us because they pay us for our skills and services, and we play the system rather than go to war against it.

Being authentic means even those of the LHP conflict with the rulers (Establisment)

There are times however when this sub-class such as I come into conflict with the Establishment, for we love authenticity and our own values conflict with the direction that the Establishment is heading. In the West our rulers have decided on a dangerous direction of supporting genocide against Palestinian civilians, including babies and children, in Gaza by Israel. The media is full of stories in the UK at the moment by the Establishment demanding the police crush protests against the genocide of the innocent of Gaza – they give as examples that a minority is promoting terrorism or are involved in hate crime against Jews, all who could have been planted amongst the moderate well meaning protesters – to crush them all. There is a conflict goiing on between fans (ruled) and the Celtic football club management board (rulers) about their protests in support of Palestinians. The ruled such as I have objected to war crimes and genocide against the innocent of Gaza, because of our own humanity, compassion, empathy, qualities we hold as part of our authenticity, which then puts us in conflict with the direction of thinking of the Establishment. We also know that if in war it becomes the accepted standard to indulge in war crimes and genocide, but also to crush protests as the Establishment demands, then human civilisation will enter a dark era for which it is not worth children being born into.

The risks of conflict with a member of the Establishment: Jamie Lofthouse

For me I have chosen my battles with the Establishment carefully, to use what is known to me in personal experience and life, and thus I have called out a minor member of the Establishment called Jamie Lofthouse for what he has written against the Palestininians in favour of Israel on his social media. Lofthouse, despite being a low level member of the Establishment, is still dangerous, and has the means at his command to leverage his connections in the police and legal system to bring about outcomes that long suffering victims such as the fathers in the Hampstead and Wilfred Wong Satanic Panic cases could only dream of. Lofthouse claims he has family in both the police and also amongst barristers, and has reported me to the police, and has also threatened to unleash his barrister connections probono on those who criticise him.

Israel-Gaza War makes the lines between ruler and ruled clear as day

Although I doubt what I said on the Israel-Gaza War, or the reactions of what members of the Establishment such as Jamie Lofthouse have set in motion against me, because of those posts, will come to anything, the whole subject of Israel-Gaza puts a spotlight clearly on the age old reality of there being a ruler-ruled system that all live in and cannot escape from.

On the matter of freedom of speech and one Jamie Lofthouse

Jamie Lofthouse as an individual who during the time I worked with him had many roles: friend of Satan Hunters; opponent of Satan Hunters; victim of Satan Hunters. During all these roles that Jamie Lofthouse had I supported him as an activist against Satan Hunters, then stood by him and defended him when those same Satan Hunters victimised him. The Satan Hunters such as Shellie Mote and Matthew Taylor are those who promote narratives that a target group of innocent people harm children for Satan. Consequently I have a personal interest in what Lofthouse writes and the events that he talks about: I keep an eye on his YouTube channel.

Jamie Lofthouse: celebrity or public influencer?

Although Lofthouse has a small following, and the likes, shares and comments are also low on a very confusing badly designed and executed personal brand, Lofthouse is an influencer, or at least wants to be. Lofthouse once worked with Satan Hunter Matthew Taylor of Brighton on mutual YouTube projects, where Taylor called Lofthouse his “wingman”; Taylor regards Lofthouse as a celebrity. Lofthouse is an actor on low-level acting projects, and also indicates further work is coming his way in the near future as an actor. Lofthouse sells himself and his YouTube channel as an influencer commenting on public interest issues of the day and often on matters where he claims to have suffered injustice or discrimination: LGBTQ; child abuse; mental health; disability.

Jamie Lofthouse accused of being a bandwagon chaser

Critics of Lofthouse regards him as a shallow, virtue-signalling and bandwagon jumping personality; one that moves to people, causes and issues that enhances himself and his chaotic brand. This view of Lofthouse as being insincere and wishy-washy is a view I came to independent of what others who have intereracted with him have come to such as his religion: Satanist; Christian; Satanist again; then “Spiritual” – the religious motivation seemingly dependent upon who he had befriended at the time, ending when the relationship hit the rocks, as happened with me and one Brent Lee. The band wagon jumping of Lofthouse is worthy of a separate blog post.

Jamie Lofthouse leverages the theme of victimhood in his branding

The word “victim” is a theme that runs strongly through the branding of Lofthouse: his YouTube channel is full of alleged claims of being a victim of something: of conspiracies, of going to the police; of trolls and advice for alleged victims. In his role as “victim” I personally invested a lot of energy and time in both defending Lofthouse from alleged predators and advising him on personal online safety such as not sharing too much personal information, much which he ignored. I figured that the experience of being a “victim”, and from reading his ongoing social media content, that Lofthouse would have a strong measure of empathy, insight and compassion for vulnerable people such as children and on matters of injustice.

Jamie Lofthouse reports critics to police and threatens them with lawyers

The previous four paragraphs set the scene for what I really want to say regarding Jamie Lofthouse and the matter of freedom of speech. Lofthouse in recent weeks published content on his YouTube community page supporting Israel which was highly biased in favour of Israel and unfavourable to Palestinians; he also published the flag of Israel on his social media, including it into his name profile as an emoji. I passed comment on the stance of Lofthouse and various other matters relative to his Israel posts via my blog. Lofthouse indicated in a YouTube post he had reported me to the police in relation to my blog posts. Lofthouse said:

“A blog that has been published today has been referred to an ongoing investigation, by the Police, due to its misrepresentation designed to incite violence against me.”

Jamie Lofthouse YouTube 27/10/23

At the same time Lofthouse was drooling over the UK Online Safety Bill that had been signed into law, like so many of those with money, contacts and influence, saying:

“From today, there is a new accountability and, my lawyers will seek to action against any web host, social media or other online material that incites harm against me, publish false and misleading information and alike OR face being sued pro bono. Although any criminal aspects will be subject to being treated through the correct channels.”

Jamie Lofthouse YouTube 27/10/23

Lofthouse first reactions to any online criticism that he dislikes, that makes him look bad, is reports to the police and the threat of unleashing his lawyers on critics. The complaints Lofthouse has made to the police is vexatious and speculative. Although I would be surprised I get any contact from police about these complaints Lofthouse makes against me, the fact he has looked for an angle to play victim and used the legal system to wipe out critics is sinister, and as the British like to say, “unsporting”. The Crown Prosecution Service sets the standard of freedom of speech quite high to stop the court system being overrun by sort of bullshit that Lofthouse pulls.

Freedom of speech to respond and comment on social media content without arrest

The first issue is that when an influencer posts controversial and biased content on their social media, people have a right of freedom of speech to comment on it, especially if it is of a matter of extreme public interest. As longs as the response is not motivated off the back of hate based upon things such as religion, age and gender, people can comment without arrest. Lofthouse, because of previous disagreements is blocked from my social media such as on Twitter, and I had eliminated his two sock accounts that followed this blog site. I did not communicate directly with Lofthouse, nor do my posts get knowingly sent to him, which is to say he had to make an effort to read my posts, which was his choice to do.

Jamie Lofthouse is bandwagon jumping on Israel-Gaza War issues

The second issue is bandwagon jumping, as not a few months ago according to one critic called Yanto this Lofthouse posted an image of support and endorsement for “Queers for Palestine”, a controversial LGBTQ group who supports Palestine and are very hostile to Israel to the point of being anti-semitic. On the back of Jewish civilian massacres by Hamas, Lofthouse shifted to supporting Israel against Palestine. When I was critical of Lofthouse, he then abandoned the Israeli flag emoji in his YouTube channel name. The point is that there is nothing authentic or sincere in the Israel-Palestine issue that Lofthouse bounces from one bandwagon to another, unless it makes him look good.

Teaching Jamie Lofthouse online safety was a waste of time

The third issue is that I have wasted a lot of time and energy on Jamie Lofthouse trying to get him to think about personal online safety. One matter is his sharing of his personal information, especially with strangers. Lofthouse in passing biased comment against the Palestinians, and waving the flag of Israel whilst doing so in a global climate of extreme distress and emotion about this issue, was one problem. The second problem was using his real name, and then telling the world where he was on holiday, and then sharing information with an online personality called “Ali”, who could be anyone (people claim anything on the internet). This complete ignoring of all that effort I had invested in Lofthouse was nothing short of as a kick to my face. I passed comment on the matter, and it is one of the issues that Lofthouse now twists in his claim “misrepresentation designed to incite violence against me (Lofthouse).”

The contradiction of Jamie Lofthouse on child safety and matters of injustice

The fourth issue is that Lofthouse has during the time I have known him claimed to have been fighting for children, vulnerable people and against injustice. Whatever injustice Israel suffered pales into insignificance to the injustice inflicted on the civilians of Gaza: their rights to water, food, medicine, energy and communications blocked by Israel; the destruction of the homes, hospitals, schools and religious buildings of the people of Gaza by relentless bombing; the deaths of 8000+ Palestinian civilians, half being children; the reports that 420 Palestinian children are being killed and injured each day; the unreasonable demands by Israel for people to evacuate from North to South to already overcrowded places with shortages, that they bomb anyway; the demand of a hospital to evacuate vast numbers of people in intensive care, because Israel wants to bomb it. Where was the sense of injustice, empathy and compassion that Lofthouse claimed during all that time I knew him for those children and vulnerable people in Gaza? Instead, in my opinion, it was an indifferent offhand way Lofthouse treated the suffering of those Gaza people in the sense of along the lines of “oh well, never mind.”

Jamie Lofthouse and the West ignore the suffering of Gaza and Israeli potential war crimes

The fact I call out Jamie Lofthouse over his words and deeds in relation to the people of Gaza, is a microcosm of my general criticism of the West as a whole. There is a sense that the children and civilians of Gaza have been dismissed as irrelevant, the Gaza suffering and the actions of Israel as justified and the new acceptable way to conduct war which in previous times would have been treated as war crimes and genocide. In Britain and other places to even show a flag of a race of people such as the Palestinians is being criminalised. A minister in the UK government is sacked for calling for a ceasefire between Israel and Gaza. The opposition to the UK government – Labour – suspended one of their members of parliament over comments at a pro-Palestinian protest.

The ignorance and unrealistic demands of Jamie Lofthouse on the people of Gaza

Jamie Lofthouse also put the onus upon the 80% of the Gaza population that are women and children to remove Hamas, saying: “The two state solution would, in my personal opinion, stand a chance if the Palestinian people would challenge and remove the terrorist group Hamas and others.” It was in my opinion the problem of Lofthouse being a shallow bandwagon chaser that he was ignorant about the reality of the people of Gaza: how was women and children supposed to remove 40,000 armed Hamas fighters when the fourth most powerful army known as Israel could not do that after decades of trying? What mother or female family member is going to put the children of their family in danger by upsetting armed thugs in their neighbourhood like Hamas?

Jamie Lofthouse is unrealistic and ignorant to demand that the estimated 80% (children 50% and women 30%) of population of Gaza to overthrow Hamas.

The Israel-Gaza War is a public conversation that must happen with no censorship

The Israel-Gaza War is a public conversation to be had. If Jamie Lofthouse wants to publish controversial content on the internet, then he enters into a public conversation with people who may not agree with him. Lofthouse is not unique in treating the internet as a soap box to his own ego and vanity, an echo chamber where only his own thoughts, feelings and prejudices matter, and where all who come before him are mere spectators to his egotism. There is another viewpoint that issues such as Israel-Gaza War become a conversation between people, which is what the internet was supposed to be, a platform of dialogue where all have freedom of speech; not just Jamie Lofthouse and the others with money, power and influence to use police and lawyers to enforce a one-sided view on issues like what is happening in Gaza.

Jamie Lofthouse unleashes the Thought Police on James Hind

In what must be an astonishing and sinister turn of events, the YouTube influencer known as Jamie Lofthouse has gone to the police about my recent criticism of himself and a YouTube public post he made about the Israel-Gaza war. My post that Lofthouse has gone to the police about is here.

Jamie Lofthouse wrote on his YouTube community page:

“A blog that has been published today has been referred to an ongoing investigation, by the Police, due to its misrepresentation designed to incite violence against me.”

Jamie Lofthouse YouTube 26/10/23

Following on from this post another sinister post Lofthouse made in relation to the Online Safety Bill that is now signed into UK law was as follows:

“From today, there is a new accountability and, my lawyers will seek to action against any web host, social media or other online material that incites harm against me, publish false and misleading information and alike OR face being sued pro bono. Although any criminal aspects will be subject to being treated through the correct channels.”

Jamie Lofthouse YouTube 26/10/23

Under different circumstances I might be laughing at the epic grandiosity of ego, self importance and victimhood of this fellow, but to be honest I am agog in shock and surprise. The connections that Lofthouse has made via familiy and as a victim of alleged crimes with the police, lawyers and the UK Crown Prosecution Service is not to be weaponised against those whose views and public criticisms he dislikes. Neither is the new Online Safety laws meant to suppress freedom of speech and public rights to criticise. I can rightly now infer that Lofthouse has also been reporting me to the police for various other critical posts of him, none which cross into hate crime, or would cause alarm and distress.

Jamie Lofthouse is an individual active in social media circles, especially on YouTube, trying to build up a brand and following for himself as an influencer. Even though Lofthouse boasts about acting and writing opportunities coming his way in his social media postings, he is not quite gained celebrity status as some such as YouTuber Matthew Taylor of Brighton claims. Lofthouse does through his platforms make posts on public matters of interest, taking positions and posting content that would attract different points of view, such as on the Israel-Gaza conflict. The fact I have passed comment on posts that Lofthouse has made via my own social media that is critical and with different points of view to that of Lofthouse is not “misrepresentation designed to incite violence against” Lofthouse.

Reality: if people post about controversial subjects, they are going to attract possible adverse and critical responses. The police are not interested in thought crimes; and Lofthouse leveraging his connections with lawyers, police and new online safety legislation to crush criticism of himself and his public postings is sinister and creepy as hell. If Lofthouse does not like criticism of what he shares in public, go private or don’t post at all. I have Lofthouse blocked on my social media, so he has had to make an effort to go reading my online posts, which he did not have to do. Lofthouse has the right of reply either to post comments to my blog, or to post counter arguments to his social media: going to the police is a bit extreme!

Jamie Lofthouse posts in his real name, so I refer his to him in his real name. Lofthouse shares his face on social media, so I post his face. Whilst I do not link to his social media, or e-mail him or in any way directly communicate with him such as comments on his social media, I will post to my own social media counter views about the content, deeds and attitudes of Lofthouse as is my legal right to do, as longs as it does not fall into hate crime, malicious communication or is harassing/stalking that causes alarm and distress.

Jamie Lofthouse has reacted to me in a more extreme way than he has with anyone, even the most toxic and abusive of his critics such as Matthew Taylor of Brighton, Yanto, HoaxBuster or Ann Drogyne. The reactivity of Lofthouse is because I have hit a nerve with some truthful observations such as that he is shallow, a bandwagon chaser and a generally obnoxious fellow: these are my opinions, and the police are not going to arrest me for that. Reality.

My humanity, empathy and compassion for what is happening to the civilians of Gaza, especially the children; and the poor decisions being made by those in power in Israel and the West; means that I am going to be motivated to write about this, and if a fellow such as Lofthouse has written something about the issue I disagree with and want to pass comment on, I will do that. The bloated ego and victimhood of Jamie Lofthouse is to put it mildly shameful and noxious to me, that is my personal feelings and opinions on the matter. Go report that to the police too!

Jamie Lofthouse and his Israel fantasies

Jamie Lofthouse is a podcaster on YouTube, who even as a victim of religious fanatics of the Christian type, also proudly flies the flag of Israel side by side with those QAnon-type fanatics such as Richard Carvath who want to see all Muslims murdered. Lofthouse is one of those shallow people who jumps on bandwagons if it gets him attention, with Israel being his latest cause.

The world recoiled in horror at the massacres inflicted on Jewish civilians by the Gaza-based Hamas, a tactic designed to put the Palestine issue back into the public mind after it had been side-lined by the Ukraine-Russian war and the covid crisis. The attacks by Hamas was well planned and took even Israel by surprise despite their supposed world-leading intelligence services. It is suspected that Hamas had also forward planned to elicit the sort of response Israel has made, and organised a trap that will result in Israel entering a killing zone during their ground invasion of Gaza, that will lead to civilian casualties on a genocidal scale, leading to the conflict becoming larger and expansive.

The response of Israel has been as expected way beyond mild or moderate, having cut off all of Gaza to energy, water, food and essential medical supplies, leading to fears that disease will kill many thousands of children and civilians. Israel has waged an extensive air bombing campaign destroying everything from schools, hospitals to even Christian churches. The brunt of the attacks by Israel has been civilians rather than Hamas, who have become embeded in the civilian population. The West mostly have supported Israel, and have even provided weapons, financial military aid, whilst placing their own militaries on standby to face off against any Muslim nation that aids Gaza. The general public have been divided in their support of Israel or the Palestinians, leading to Western leaders and law enforcement to crack down on anyone supporting Gaza, with the Home Secretary in the UK going so far as calling for arrests of anyone flying the legitimate national flag of Palestinians, in effect making even identifying as the race of Palestinians a crime.

Jamie Lofthouse is typically an ignorant podcaster who pontificates on things he does not understand from the safety of his bedroom. Lofthouse is an instant expert on everything from mental health issues, crime, financial and health products, technology, LGBTQ matters and politics in a smug conceited manner that leaves at least me feeling revolted and irritated. I choose Lofthouse, a lower profile YouTube influencer to make my point about these shallow characters that speak about things from some delusional fantasy world they know nothing about.

Lofthouse said in his most recent community post on YouTube:

“The two state solution would, in my personal opinion, stand a chance if the Palestinian people would challenge and remove the terrorist group Hamas and others. I believe in a ceasefire and humanitarian aid. There is a roadmap for peace but will require a LOT of work, goodwill and trust on both sides. Civilian casualties are an absolute tragedy. I hope 2024 sees peace once again in all conflict zones.”

Jamie Lofthouse, YouTube channel, 25/10/23

Lofthouse is deluded if he thinks the people of Gaza are going to take on Hamas, who have something like 25,000 well armed fighters embeded in the social fabric of Gaza providing educational, medical and other humanitarian relief to the civilian population. Half of Gaza are children, and another huge chunk are women: does Lofthouse really think women and children stand a chance against Hamas? Most of the Gaza population have suffered some sort of injustice done to them by Israel, such as the killing of relatives, leading none to be particularly supportive of Israel let alone to take on those who protect them from Israel.

As some say, what is a terrorist to some is a freedom fighter to others. CNN writes about Hamas as follows:

“Hamas’ latest atrocities were a Grand Guignol of horror, but the militant movement isn’t ISIS. Hamas has in fact worked hard, and violently, to snuff out ISIS elements in Gaza who represented a form of political Islam that it deeply opposed.

Hamas does hope to establish a Palestinian state based on the teachings of Islam. But it has no pretentions to a caliphate. Crucially it also has no history of attacks outside Israel and the Palestinian territories, nor has it harnessed the internet into worldwide attempts at radicalization.”

CNN https://edition.cnn.com/2023/10/26/middleeast/israel-military-trap-hamas-battle-analysis-intl-hnk/index.html

Israel has created for Palestinians little more than ghettos, packing human beings tightly into spaces such as the West Bank and Gaza, with the borders and checkpoints controlled by Israel. These people suffer all kinds of injustices and restrictions on their lives by Israel, and daily suffered regular discrimination and hardships leading up to the Hamas Jewish massacres. Israel descrimination of Muslims also started to be felt by Christians as well, as Israel expanded their claims such as making Jerusalem their capital and attacking Christians. Jewish settlers in the West Bank illegally and systematically stripped Palestinians of their homes. Lofthouse would have the world believe that the issues with Israel-Gaza was simple and one-sided when it is not in reality the case.

Lofthouse also claims there is a “roadmap for peace”: what roadmap? It seems to me nobody at this moment are even capable of stopping Israel from their suicidal land invasion of Gaza, a trap so obvious, it has become the elephant in the room the size of a woolly mammoth. Nor can the various parties even agree basic things like getting humanitarian aid through to Gaza.

There is something really vile and disdainful about the offhand remark by Jamie Lofthouse that “civilian casualties are an absolute tragedy,” that comes across to me as “two thousand children killed by Israel in Gaza attacks, oh well, never mind!” I have an absolute contempt for people like Lofthouse over their attitude to the civilians of Gaza, as if these human beings are worthless and not worthy of any consideration. No doubt if Lofthouse was living in Gaza, daily experiencing what these people experience, living one day to the next not knowing if they would live or die, then the attitude of Lofthouse would be very different to what it is from the safety of his devices in safe peaceful locations.

Israel-Gaza: it has always been about the children

Some 600 days ago Russia invaded Ukraine, then started kidnapping and killing children. The choice for me and for many was clear: Russia was the side acting unjustly and thus the choice to support Ukraine was clear. Because Russia was killing children, which enraged me, I further considered going to Ukraine to fight against Russia. My position of support for Ukraine lost me two dozen Twitter followers, because the world still split along ideological lines in which side they followed.

There is now a new war, that between Israel and Gaza. Which side people support is even more ideologically and emotionally driven. Both sides of the conflict in this case have acted unjustly, and so I am neutral as far as Israel and Gaza are concerned. I have always been for the children, and I both condemn Hamas and Israel for their murder of innocent children in this conflict on both sides.

For me this is about children and civilians. My issue is against Hamas and the Israeli regime of Benjamin Netanyahu: note this is not about Muslims, Jews or Palestinians, but about being human and practical. Humanity has been lost, so has reason, and the children have been forgotten, becoming the real victims of this conflict. Hamas for their part, when they went into Israel and murdered babies and children, were ruthless and intelligent enough to work out how Israel would respond, and thus to Hamas the children of Gaza, some one million of them (47% of the population of Gaza), were nothing more that pawns to be sacrificed to their own ends. If Israel attacked Gaza by land or air, children would die, and public opinion would turn against Israel.

When the people of Israel needed cold-headed objective leadership, the regime of Benjamin Netanyahu let the people of Israel down. Acting emotionally the Israeli leaders walked into the trap that Hamas had created: firstly putting the Palestinian issue back at the top of the political and public agenda, which had become forgotten thanks to Covid and the Russian-Ukraine War. Secondly, Israel bombed and killed civilian targets in Gaza, killing hundreds of children, meaning Islamic groups and nations became united and threatened to become involved in the conflict: just as Hamas had planned. Israel is about to make a third mistake, when they launch a land invasion of Gaza, as Hamas has planned for Gaza to become a killing zone for Israeli soldiers and will use the Gaza children as their sacrificial targets for Israel to slaughter, which will turn the world against Israel and bring in other sides into the conflict. The blockade of food, water and fuel risks a disease epidemic in Gaza, a form of genocide, and the military adventures of Israel risks genocide as well. Since disease has no respect for borders, the people of Israel could catch whatever disease emerges in Gaza.

Some people think that if I am being critical of Benjamin Netanyahu and his regime, they infer I am attacking Jews; and if I defend the rights of innocent children and civilians in Gaza to not be murdered, especially to become victims of genocide, people infer I support Hamas. There are plenty of citizens of Israel who do not support the strategies and decisions of Netanyahu against Gaza. There are plenty who would agree with me of concerns over the links to alleged corruption involving Netanyahu and his regime; and are critical of the failings of the supposed one of the best intelligence services and military in the world that failed to identify the Hamas plot that started this latest war under the watch of Netanyahu; and further, the degradation of the democratic and legal process in Israel thanks to the policies of Netanyahu. Whatever failings and corruption that contributed to this war is firmly at the table of Benjamin Netanyahu in my opinion.

Other people I am critical of are the flag waving shallow-minded virtue signalling band wagon jumpers who support the regime of Benjamin Netanyahu and what he is allowing to be done to Gaza. These vile people, who forgot about human rights and children in favour of blind support for this Israeli regime includes a Jamie Lofthouse who runs an irrelevant YouTube channel. People like Lofthouse is the reason that the human race is unlikely to last more than a hundred years.

Online censorship and the Israel-Palestinian war

Twitter, Facebook and many other social media platforms have come under fire in recent days by politicians and other authority figures over the coverage of the current war between Israel and the Palestinians. There has been a huge kneejerk reaction to the attacks by Hamas on Israel and the savage response by Israel to those attacks. There are strong feelings running on both sides of the fence, and there is a huge propaganda war being waged by both sides. The authority figures have made threats, deadlines and extensive noise about misinformation in relation to this war, and mostly seem to complain about the social media publicity given in favour of Palestine over Israel.

Social media companies tread a fine line between censorship and freedom of speech. There are concerns that the politicians who have demanded censorhip of social media companies are being unreasonable. Firstly, if an individual wishes to comment on the bombing of schools, homes and hospitals in Gaza by Israel, the same politicians would claim that this is supporting Hamas and therefore should be censored. Suella Braverman the UK Home Secretary, demanded of the police to arrest anyone who flew the Palestinian flag because in her view it was criminal and would offend the Jews; which is an argument for asking police to arrest anyone flying the Scottish flag, as that might offend English people; there is a difference between the Palestinian flag of the people of Palestine and the flag of the outlawed Hamas group. These authority figures demand of social media to have one narrative, which is that of Israel, and to crush anything contrary to that narrative that favours Palestinians and addresses concerns about what Israel has done and or is doing. Authority figures confuse Palestinians and Hamas as one and the same thing, which they are not. Also, if all sides of the situation is not examined and made available to everyone, how can the situation in the Middle East be resolved and the abuses of both sides of this war addressed?

There is a huge amount of hypocrisy and ignorance by the authority figures to demand censorship of alleged misinformation about the Israel-Palestinian War on social media. During the current near 600 days of war between Russia and Ukraine the same social media platforms have been awash with false information by Russia, but the politicians have made little noise then, so why is this different about Israel and Palestine, and so biased towards the narrative of Israel? For nearly ten years I have been making reports and noises to law enforcement, social media companies and politicians about religious extremists making false Satanic Panic claims against innocent people, claiming innocent people harm children for Satan, leading to kidnaps of children, suicides, mental breakdowns and homelessness amonst victims; and either everyone is unable to do anything about this or unwilling. If children like those in the Hampstead case cannot be protected, how can anything be done about the misinformation rolling through social media about current events in the Middle East?

I and my associates in Project Night Watch argue that moderation of internet content is best left to artificial intelligence without the prejudices that those such as politicians have. Misinformation and harmful content has to be addressed on social media, but not what I view is blatant censorship as I have just seen with Suella Braverman and her demands to arrest anyone carrying or flying a flag of a race of people (Palestinians).

Artificial intelligence can keep children safe

I have been fighting extremists who have threatened the innocent, especially UK children, for eight years, and I have seen the extreme horror of what these religious crazy people – Satan Hunters – have done to victims: child kidnappings; suicides; nervous breakdowns; homelessness, to name a few outcomes. I have seen the limitations of what the criminal justice system and the social media companies can achieve in protecting the victim and limiting the harmful activties of the Satan Hunter. We at Project Night Watch are now enthusiastically in support of artificial intelliegence as the answer to overcoming the shortfalls of the current failings of the social media companies and law enforcement to protect UK children.

There has been a recent public debate over the use of artificial intelligence facial recognition cameras being used by the police with access to UK passport photograph databases. Many feel it is a step too far to deploy this technology to protect the public, we however support this deployment of facial recognition technology by the police.

Artificial intelligence and facial recognition can counter terrorism and child kidnappings

In November 2020 an extremist group of Satan Hunters kidnapped a child in a violent incident that left at least two children traumatised. The case, that became known as the Wilfred Wong case, was noted for how CCTV cameras became useful as court evidence in recording time and place of where the kidnappers were and what they were doing at the time they kidnapped the child. In addition car registration identification cameras were useful in tracking the kidnappers as they travelled by car with the terrified child on their way to traffick the child into Germany to exploit for their religious ends. The car registration cameras guided armed police to safely rescue the child and arrest the kidnappers in a dramatic incident, also recorded by police cameras.

Three years on from this violent child kidnap a new group of religious extremists under the leadership of a Satan Hunter called Richard Carvath has hinted in various social media postings a plot to once again attempt to kidnap the same child in Wales, but in addition to also visit some sort of terroristic vengence on any parties and their families involved in the arrest and convictions of the original kidnappers of the this child. Despite many warning and reports being made to the police, the same fears as previously experienced in the first kidnapping is being raised that the police will only act after the event, despite having advanced warnings of child kidnapping plots. Carvath remains free and unchallenged to continue to plot and action on that plot, and also post threatening social media content to alarm and distress his victims of what he plans to do on or around November 2023. This situation argues for the use of facial recognition cameras being used in Wales that can act as an early warning system to the police that Carvath and his extremist group is in Wales near any of his targets.

We share our faces with Facebook, so what is the problem police using images of our faces?

Civil liberties groups argue that facial recognition cameras by the police is a step too far. I argue that the public already overshare their private images, locations and faces with private corporations such as the social media companies and the smart phone companies, trusting those poorly regulated entities and the third parties that they share that personal information with to access and do anything they like with that information. If an individual is happy to share images of their faces with Facebook and anonymous public visitors to their Facebook accounts, then what argument do they have against police using their faces to keep the public safe in the deployment of artificial intellgence in facial recognition technology? What I do not support however is the public access to facial recognition technology, only law enforcement and intelligence services.

Argument for internet electronic passports to access the internet

Another issue I face, as do millions of victims and children, is the ongoing harassment and stalking against me by social media accounts set up to make false allegations and abuse me. An account called Yanto on YouTube is set up for one reason only, to abuse me and one other victim, and no other purpose. The person behind the Yanto account is currently anonymous and they can post with no fear of comeback anything they like that is alarming and distressing against their victims. The social media companies have a track record of poor moderation, and my many complaints against Yanto has been ignored. The police are too slow or unwilling to do anything about Yanto as well. It is accounts like Yanto that intentially post to distress their victims, and have caused countless suicides through stalking and harassment against children and vulenrable people every year.

Yanto is an example of why I argue that everyone in the UK should be required to have an electronic passport before they can access the internet, so that the passport can be linked to every social media account they sign up to and all the content they post. If the person behind Yanto knows that police can identify them quickly because of the electronic passport, and also an artificial intelligence tool can limit their activities on the internet with no human intervention, then they will be less motivated to act in a harmful manner. Again, the argument we are all anonymous when we post to the internet is an illusion: the electronic passport, with AIs having access to those passports, can save many lives from suicide from cyberbullying, and would be able to keep children separated from harmful adults and content.

D-Day for a Wolf

Today is the day that a mentally ill extremist member of the cultish group of Satan Hunter Jeanette Archer is heading out to kill someone. It is a kindness to not mention the name of this individual, but to refer to them as “Wolf” on account of the branding they use to describe themselves and their business offering.

“Wolf” is the type of guy the police and my group “Project Night Watch” is worried about when it comes to Jeanette Archer and her cult, the “Satnics”, named because they could not spell “Satanic” on their banner at a protest. Even if Archer would never as an individual carry out the sort of things she promotes such as murder and terrorism – she is in it for the money – her 22,000 followers have many mentally ill delusional extremists who would be motivated to act on her encouragement.

“Wolf” came to our attention because he was a speaker at the recent low profile “conference” on Satanic Ritual Abuse (SRA) that Archer hosted in Fareham in July 2023. “Wolf” was one of the so-called victims of SRA who then related his bizarre graphic fantasy story of extreme rape, torture and death of children to an audience that included children at the conference.

The story of “Wolf” was even more crazy and extreme than even that of Jeanette Archer. At the conference and in a series of internet postings on his many social media sites “Wolf” related how he suddenly remembered clear memories of extreme child sexual abuse from the age of two months. The abusers he claims, including his family and various past partners, were all Satanists and witches, who seemed very talented surgeons, for they ripped him open and took out various organs and did sadistic things to his body without leaving a scar, evident because he walks around half naked all the time. He suddenly remembered that his mum was having sex with him even in his 30’s and his partners had magical powers to abuse him regardless of where he was. He also had child murder fantasies as he also admitted killing children in SRA rituals.

The claims of “Wolf” and his body language flagged up to us he was dangerous, a mentally ill delusional extremist who could go postal and shoot up a school all because Jeanette Archer said SRA was going on in schools. “Wolf” quickly rose up in the ranks of the Archer cult, love-bombed, heavily promoted and interviewed by friends of Archer on YouTube. At the same time the mental illness and delusions of “Wolf” exploded, he started claiming more extreme fictional SRA events and his social media was flooded with his SRA postings.

“Wolf” has a branded website that he offers products and services around his claims of SRA and his personal philosophy of a Viking-shamanic end of the world nature. He has a lot of social media sites feeding into his website, and his branding is quite good.

On his main website “Wolf” started making graphic SRA claims against his various ex-partners, one in particular who had two children by him. “Wolf” claimed these were all witches, and he and his two children were in danger from them. “Wolf” posted the names and faces of one of his ex-partners and the two children, together with documents he demanded she sign to change the names of the children to that of his surname and to hand those children over to him, and relinquish all legal responsibility and access to them. He gave the date of the 15th August (today) that this was to happen by, or he would unleash his inner “Wolf”, then go hunting and killing his partners, their family, and his own family. He also claimed that if any police got in his way, he would kill them too. Jeanette Archer unsurprisingly quietly deleted some content linking her group to “Wolf”.

Project Night Watch made several referrals to the police about “Wolf” and his death threats. We never got any feedback, a situation we get used to for many of our referrals to the police about Satan Hunters. We would like to think from seeing the frenetic daily postings by “Wolf” suddenly ceasing that the police have intercepted “Wolf” before he does something stupid. If the police failed to act, then we hope his death threats was all empty threats and nobody is hurt. We can never be sure with those making death threats if they will carry them through, but when an individual is clearly ill, delusional, extreme, and has been encouraged and validated by extremist groups like that of Jeanette Archer, it is no surprise they might embark on murder and terrorism.

King Arthur Party comes to Brighton

Readers are aware of my passion challenging Satan Hunters, those vile people who accuse the innocent of harming children for Satan. Not so known is my passion for King Arthur. To have two passions coming together – challenging Satan Hunters and talking about King Arthur – is a double ecstatic delight in the form of Satan Hunter Matthew Taylor and his so-called King Arthur II Political Party in Brighton.

Matthew Taylor, like me, has an interest in King Arthur. Taylor, who is no researcher or historian, has taken an alternative history version of Arthur that has been floating around for decades and made it a significant aspect of his life. Alan Wilson and Baram Blackett, two alternative history writers behind the latest promotion of the Arthur narrative, are the source of the inspiration for Taylor on King Arthur, despite both writers being called “fantasists” and writers of “unreadable nonsense”.

Taylor dreams King Arthur dreams like grand castles in the sky, that crash to dust upon closer examination. There is the King Arthur theme park and film studios in Brighton, the promise of £20billion funding from Saudi Arabia, but there is no planning applications, business plans or incorporated companies existing as vehicles for this dream. Taylor has this vision of a film based on his version of King Arthur, but a gofunder to raise £1600 for an expensive tablet to write the script (his devices keep getting taken by police when they raid him), raised only £20. Now Taylor has a dream of a political party called the King Arthur II Political Party.

To be fair to Matthew Taylor his political ambitions to be elected as Member of Parliament in the 2024 General Election for Brighton and Kemptown for the King Arthur II Political Party is in early days. Taylor has pursued his election campaign with some enthusiasm by creating videos, tweets and blog posts, as well as new wordpress sites to add to dozens of others he has created to advance his political goals. Taylor has already defined some of his policies and he is asking for donations, and has got £10 for his campaign already.

Matthew Taylor does have a branding issue, a confused message to his voters. One challenge is that King Arthur has zero connection to Brighton, being that the city was an insignificant fishing hamlet under control of the Saxons, with Arthur only really active in non-Saxon controlled areas in the eras he was said to be alive in. Another issue is how does King Arthur, and a controversial fantasist story that Taylor promotes of King Arthur, have to do with elections and the needs of Brighton voters? There is no harmony between the policies of Taylor and his King Arthur narrative, for instance, there is no national pride in his policy to replace King Charles III with a sectioned New Zealand Maori fraudster, who was not even born in the UK, called John Wanoa.

As someone with some experience with elections I would like to give Matthew Taylor some sporting advice, which is to read up on election procedures and laws. Breaking election rules is one of the things that seriously upsets court judges, and they hammer people hard for it. It is not enough to make disclamers, if Taylor goes around advertising the name of a political party, he should register it, and then abide by the regulations of political parties. Those donations, including the £10 donation, has to be recorded and declared to the Electoral Commission as part of a political party. Brighton and Hove City Council also has election officers who can give Matthew Taylor advice and help on all aspects of election process and law.

There is another King Arthur out there with similar ideas of standing for election with a political party: King Arthur Pendragon. This Arthur enthusiast has been involved in the King Arthur business since the 1980’s, when Taylor was a little boy. This King Arthur has had plans to create his own political party too, and if Taylor does not register his political party name soon, may not be allowed to use it by the Electoral Commission if it conflicts with a similar named party.

Taylor needs to think about the content and actions he makes in relation to the message of being a worthy sane alternative to the traditional politicians out there. It is not a great start to be banned from his local community pub, The Bevy, over child protection issues; it is also not ideal to share his personal grooming habits involving shaving his testicles. Taylor probably should tone down the message he keeps putting out that Sussex police officers are murderers, and not celebrate the terminal illness of people he dislikes. I could go on, but I make my point that message is all important in election campaigns, conveyed through media content and actions.

Taylor has to go beyond just posting internet content and get out in his community, to connect with voters. This means going to events, community meetings, schools, nursing homes, shopping centres and talking to the voter. Get his name out there, make people want to read his social media content and literature. Do things like report pot holes, clear overgrown vegetation with others, and pick up litter. Do things, show the voter he is a man of action. Listening to voters, and being able to answer their questions without abusing them or threatening to murder them is a great quality to have in an aspiring politician.

Fighting elections can be fun, for Matthew Taylor, and for me. At the same time we can talk King Arthur. I am going to enjoy this election.

The threat of AI and false information

In thinking about the emerging threat of artificial intelligence and fake information I think of the Disney movie called Fantasia, In this movie Mickey Mouse is an apprentice to a magician who animates a broom stick to fetch water in buckets. The situation quickly gets out of hand as Micky Mouse finds these brooms multiplying into hundreds of unstoppable water carrying entities flooding the entire place in a lake of water. If one thinks of AI as these brooms and the fake information as water, the analogy seems appropriate to the challenge what we now face as a society as similar to what Mickey Mouse faced in Fantasia, an out of control escalation and flood of false information thanks to AI tools, now destroying the internet and society.

False information flooding the internet has always been a problem since the internet was first being used by consumers, however, the AI tools can churn out thousands of posts to every one produced by a human on an industrial scale, with moderation tools totally incapable of dealing with that flood. The Satan Hunter from Brighton, who promotes narratives that people hurt children for Satan, known as Matthew Taylor, is a massive fan of AI tools, and he churns out loads of images, video and blogs each day on his many social media accounts in a matter of minutes, whilst if he writes a blog himself he admits it would take two hours to do one post.

Another Satan Hunter, a Jeanette Archer of Cranleigh, posted about a dozen fake images created by AI tools giving the impression that schools in the UK and USA are holding regular Satanic rituals in classes. Here is an example of one:

Jeanette Archer posted fake images created by AI tools to give false impression of Satanic rituals going on in UK schools.

The general public no longer trust the information of traditional media, politicians and experts as trustworthy having for too long been manipulated and lied to, but do have a trust and belief in what they read on the internet. This faith in the truth and reality of what is claimed on the internet is the problem, because the internet is flooded now with dishonest and fake images, video and text of AI tools mass produced and shared by influential actors such as Jeanette Archer to target markets in order to create a specific effect or call to action, which in this case may be to create a panic and act of protest against UK schools over a false narrative of Satanic Ritual Abuse in schools. Jeanette Archer for instance plays to a market of 22,000 followers on Facebook, all who believe what she says, including her claims that members of the UK Royal Family are shapeshifting lizards who torture and rape children in rituals and hunts. The followers of Archer is little different to most of the consumer market who will believe and act on what is being posted on the internet, which for instance influenced the UK Brexit and US Trump Presidential election results. Critical thinking and the ability to question everything is a skill few seem to have in general society.

Artificial intelligence is being employed to create content and to make decisions based upon the information they are extracting from the internet. Individuals and society are being shaped and provided their sense of reality based upon the content produced by these AI tools, and the decisions they make. If the information is fake, upon which these AI tools make new content and their decisions, then the new content and decisions will be full of error and prejudice. The same AI tools extract false information, puts out more false information, use the false information they created as the basis of even more fake content and prejudiced decisions, and thus society faces a situation like Mickey Mouse had in Fantasia.

As an example of false content created by AI tools hurting children, is the example of the two Hampstead children in the Hampstead Satanic Panic Hoax. Because the faces, names, video and text content is so widespread about these children, the AI tools have got hold of this information and is reposting it at an alarming and industrial rate, often with new false claims added to it. In one AI post the public will now be able to read about the two Hampstead children running a business of offering baby rape parties. The unfortunate child whose face and name Satan Hunter Matthew Taylor of Brighton used to infer that I had some part in their disappearance – they were found safe and well – will now have their name and face always associated with me, and any other nasty fake claims Taylor has made against me, whenever the name and face of that child is searched for on the internet; what the AI tools will do with that fake information associated with this child will be horrifying for them, all thanks to the maliciousness of Taylor exposing that child to what the AI tools will now associate their name and face to.

For the next couple of years things are going to get wild and uncontrolled on the internet thanks to these AI tools and an industrial scale flood of false information from them. It will be the end of the internet as we know it, and these AI tools will become regulated and even banned. For society and our children the way AI has become twisted and used to shape minds and lives is nothing short of than a disaster.