Four things I hate in Satanism

Four things that annoy me that plague Satanism:

1. Slavery
Where the individual places an external authority before self in their own lives; or where an authority seeks to place themselves as the master over Satanists.  The Church of Satan is an example of an authority that enslaves the individual Satanist with its fixation to dogma, hierarchy and the group.

2. Stupidity
A good example was the naked individual who claimed he was Satan and Jesus, then removed himself from the human race when he was shot dead whilst attacking police officers.

3. Associating Satanism with harming people.
Those who promote murder, abuse and other forms of harm as being part of Satanism.  The individual Satanist who supports personal liberty of being the god in their own lives, offers the same respect to others to go about their lives unmolested.

4. Racism/Sexism.
Those who mix racism and sexism with Satanism. Race and gender has no impact on the quality of an individual’s Satanism.